Coronavirus / After recovering from corona vaccine safer than the delta variant research by ICMR

The study found that people who became infected after vaccination and took one or both doses after being infected were more protected against the delta variant than those who took one or both doses of Covishield. The high prevalence of the delta variant led to a second wave of the pandemic in India, affecting millions of people, the study said.

New Delhi | People who are infected after vaccination and who have recovered from the infection and have received one or both doses of the vaccine are more protected against the dangerous delta variant of the corona virus than those who have taken one or both doses of Covidshield. This information has come to light in a latest study.

The study, conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), states that humoral and cellular immunity plays an important role in protection against the delta variant of the coronavirus, which is more transmissible and virulent than other mutated strains. The study assessed the immune response in people taking one or both doses of Kovidshield, those taking one dose after recovery, both after recovering from coronavirus, and in people who became infected after vaccination.

The study found that people who became infected after vaccination and took one or both doses after being infected were more protected against the delta variant than those who took one or both doses of Covishield. The high prevalence of the delta variant led to a second wave of the pandemic in India, affecting millions of people, the study said.

The study further states that the recent rise in cases of B.1.617 in India has raised new concerns for public health. This variant further underwent changes to B.1.617.1 (Kappa), B.1.617.2 (Delta) and B.1.617.3. Obviously, the delta variant has gradually dominated the other variants. With this, the World Health Organization (WHO) has described it as a matter of concern.