COVID-19 / As we enter Covid-19 third wave India Inc buckles up.

India Inc is better prepared to protect companies and their employees in the event the third wave of Covid strikes, industry captains said, pointing to the numerous risk reduction initiatives implemented after the first two virus episodes that took a heavy toll.

India Inc is better prepared to protect companies and their employees in the event the third wave of Covid strikes, industry captains said, pointing to the numerous risk reduction initiatives implemented after the first two virus episodes that took a heavy toll.  

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) officials say companies with vaccinated employees are more confident this time around and are moving to community vaccines. Conglomerates are urged to enlarge the vaccination fields to minimize health risks and closures that will harm the economy.   However, the company's management does not want an increase in infections until September, the expected time frame for the relief of vaccine deliveries.   

Harsh Goenka, president of RPG Group, said companies have eliminated supply chain risk by ensuring wider delivery and warehouse routes. "The preparation is much better this time. And yet there are concerns that a third wave could hit the children harder and cause panic," said Goenka. "The state governments are also working more closely with companies to ensure the preparation, construction of the medical infrastructure and the availability of oxygen."  

Statistical models seem to suggest that a third wave could be three to four times more severe than the first wave in 2020, but not as severe as the second in April 2021, which was eight to ten times more severe than the first. wave.CII is based on the predictions of the mathematical model SUTRA of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Union.   Industry associations say state governments are also taking an extremely cautious approach of keeping medical infrastructure in place, communicating ... and working with businesses.   

The  Minister of Maharashtra is believed to have convened a meeting with the heads of India Inc to discuss preparation.