JoSAA Counselling 2020 / Check OR & CR (till date), Procedure, and Other Updates here

The JoSAA Counselling 2020 has now concluded all the 6 Rounds. The candidates who have appeared in the JEE Main 2020 or JEE Advanced exams have participated in the counselling process. The OR & CR of IITs, NITs, GFTIs & IITs of all the 6 Rounds is released on the official website. THis year 110 Institutes are participating in the JoSAA Counselling process. Here is some valuable information on JoSAA Counselling OR-CR

The JoSAA Counselling 2020 has now concluded all the 6 Rounds. The candidates who have appeared in the JEE Main 2020 or JEE Advanced exams have participated in the counselling process. The OR & CR of IITs, NITs, GFTIs & IITs of all the 6 Rounds is released on the official website. THis year 110 Institutes are participating in the JoSAA Counselling process. Here is some valuable information on JoSAA Counselling OR-CR Procedure, Dates, and other latest information. 

JoSAA Counselling

The students are allotted seats at IITs, NITs, IIITs and GFTIs across India through the JoSAA Counselling. The OR & CR of  JoSAA Counselling are released now. Know how to check them below.

JoSAA Counselling Latest Updates

  • The Round 6 OR & CR is released on the official website. Candidates can check the same by visiting the JoSAA official website. 

  • With each round of counselling, JoSAA has published the cut-offs on their official website.

  • Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, candidates are not required to report at the Verification / Reporting Centres physically. Candidates can report online for fee payment, uploading the required documents etc.

JoSAA Counselling - How to check the Opening and Closing Ranks?

The candidates need to remember the important dates of the counselling process, and they must visit the official JoSAA website from time to time to stay updated.

  1. Visit the official JoSAA website.

  2. Click on “OR-CR 2020”.

  3. The candidates would be directed to a new page.

  4. They would be required to enter the round number, institute type (IIT/NIT/IIIT/GFTI), name of the institute and the course that they want to check the ranks for.

  5. The opening and closing ranks would be displayed categories and according to different quotas such as All India, Home State or other States.

After that, successful candidates can download the seat allotment letter. 

JoSAA 2020 Counselling - OR & CR after Round 6

The cut-offs after 6 rounds of JoSAA Counselling are already released. Please check the official website for the same. The cut-offs for some of the institutes have been given below:

IIT Delhi 2020 Cut Offs (General)


Round 6 OR - CR

Civil Engineering

2023 - 3738

Computer Science and Engineering

31 - 105

Mechanical Engineering

617 - 1464

Electrical Engineering

597 - 961

IIT Kharagpur 2020 Cut Offs (General)


Round 6 (OR & CR)

Civil Engineering

3286 - 5833

Computer Science and Engineering

180 - 293

Mechanical Engineering

980 - 2579

Electrical Engineering

1187 - 1622

NIT Agartala 2020 Cut-Offs (General, HS Quota)


Round 6 OR & CR

Civil Engineering

52485 - 263364

Computer Science and Engineering

22415 - 63805

Mechanical Engineering

87223 - 225804

Electrical Engineering

24089 - 200254

NIT Warangal (General)


Round 6 OR & CR

Civil Engineering

                        8227 - 18565

Computer Science and Engineering

                          1272 - 2043

Mechanical Engineering

                          5461 - 11719

Electrical Engineering

                          5851 - 8973

To know more about the OR & CR after the conclusion of all the JoSAA Rounds of Counselling, you can click here.

JoSAA Counselling Important Dates


Date & Time (IST)

JoSAA Counselling Round 1 - 4


Seat Allocation Round 5

3 Nov 2020; 17:00

Online Reporting

4-5 Nov 2020; 17:00

Last day to respond to query (Round 5)

6 Nov 2020; 17:00

Notification of the decision on seat confirmation for Round 5

6 Nov 2020; 20:00

Withdrawal of seat / Exit from the seat allocation process

Last round for seat withdrawal / Exit option (Round 5)

4-6 Nov 2020; 24:00

Display of seats filled / availability status

7 Nov 2020; 10:00

Seat Allocation Round 6 (FINAL ROUND for IITs)

7 Nov 2020; 17:00

Online reporting (For IITs only)

8 Nov 2020; 17:00

Last day to respond to query (Round 6) (FINAL ROUND for IITs)

9 Nov 2020; 17:00

JoSAA Counselling Procedure

The candidates must keep up with the JoSAA Counselling schedule and adhere to it.

  1. The candidates are required to register themselves at the JoSAA website.

  2. They need to fill in their choices of institutes and courses in preferential order.

  3. The cut-offs for the participating institutes shall be released as per the counselling schedule.

  4. There shall be 6 rounds, and after each of the rounds, the selected candidates would be required to report online by paying the seat acceptance fee and uploading the required documents.

  5. Suppose the candidate is allotted a seat in a particular round. In that case, they can choose from the three available options – ‘Freeze’ (accept the seat and don’t take part in the counselling rounds), ‘Float’ (accept the seat but wait for a better preference), or ‘Slide’ (accept the seat but seek for admission into another preferred course from the same institute).

  6. Candidates can withdraw from seat allocation before the last round.

  7. In case there are leftover seats at the institute, JoSAA may conduct a spot round.

So, JoSAA Counselling is a lengthy and critical process even after the scores, and qualifying cut-offs are released. Aspirants must be aware of the steps properly to avoid any confusion. After the conclusion of the JEE Main Counselling, students can finally fulfil their wishes to study at the top Engineering Colleges.