Gurugram: Following multiple complaints regarding issues in booking slots for vaccination of people between the ages of 18 and 44 in Gurgaon, officials from the health department have stated that, beginning Wednesday, a time of 6 pm to 7 pm has been set for booking slots.“As per government directions, people between 18 and 44 can only get their vaccination done after online registration and booking an appointment. However, we have received many complaints from people that they have registered on the portal but are not able to book appointments for vaccination. To resolve this issue, Civil Surgeon Dr Virender Yadav has now set a time of 6 pm to 7 pm for appointment booking everyday. This will remove the complaint of people that they are not able to figure out when appointment bookings will open,” said Deputy Civil Surgeon Dr M P Singh.“People in this age group can registered on or the Covid portal or Arogya Setu and book their appointments for vaccination,” he said.According to officials, over 5.9 lakh doses of vaccination have been administered in Gurgaon so far, of which around 4.6 lakh were first doses and 1.3 lakh second.Civil Surgeon Dr Virender Yadav, on Tuesday, also appealed to people to get vaccinated, saying, “The only solution to the spread of the disease is Covid appropriate behavior and vaccination. That is why we urge people to quickly register on the portal so that the chain of infection can be broken.”