- India,
- 15-Jul-2021 06:40 AM IST
Many variants of Corona have come out. If there are some dangerous, there were some those who were told Varianand of Interest. Due to Delta variants, the second wave of Corona came to India and seen the devastation at a large level. Now the necessary information has been given from the insacog studying in India of all Corona variants. It has been reported that even today Delta is the most active variant. Some other variants are definitely present, but Delta is more dangerous.It has been said to Delta that this immune system can also dodge, while the vaccine has an impact on this variant, but it remains less than the other variant. For this reason, on behalf of Who it has been told the variant of conservation. The fresh figures of Corona show that now the delta variants are getting seen in the whole world. From Britain to America, Delta is spreading rapidly.At the same time, a relief news has been reported about alpha variants. On behalf of Insacog, the effect of alpha variants is now lowered in the whole world. In India, its cases are getting less. These variants were first found in England. Earlier it was named the UK variant, but later alpha was done. The risk of beta variants in India is also low. But because these variants can also dodge the immune system, it is difficult to tell when it becomes active in India. Beta was first found in South Africa. Later in the neighboring countries of India got to see this variant.Brazil Variant Gamma has not even seen much in India. It has not been confirmed during genome sequencing, in such a way that it has definitely described the variant of conservation, but there is less risk in India. Now the Delta variant is active in the world, the effect of alpha is decreasing, but South America's new Lambda variants have put everyone into worry. It has been told that it spreads fast and also dodge the immune system. There is also worry about Epsilon variants, but more information has not been revealed.