DONALD TRUMP / Donald Trump used to do something like this in the White House, the toilet used to get jammed; Now there will be an investigation! Donald Trump used to do something like this in the White House, the toilet used to get jammed; Will check now!

Donald Trump did something like this as President that the toilet of the White House itself was jammed. Now there is a ruckus about that matter and there is a demand for investigation against Trump. In fact, Trump has been accused of tearing and flushing official documents while in office. He flushed so many papers that it once blocked the toilet of the White House.

Washington: Donald Trump did something like this as President that the toilet of the White House itself was jammed. Now there is a ruckus about that matter and there is a demand for investigation against Trump. In fact, Trump has been accused of tearing and flushing official documents while in office. He flushed so many papers that it once blocked the toilet of the White House.

Official documents were sent to Florida?

According to 'The Washington Post', Donald Trump had violated protocols several times while he was president, but this time the matter is related to the National Archive, which handles presidential records. Now the National Archive wants the former president's habit of tearing papers to be investigated along with other matters. Trump is also accused of sending official documents to Florida.

15 boxes were taken along after the defeat

It has been told in the report that according to the National Archive, Trump took 15 boxes full of papers with him while leaving the White House after losing the presidential election. They were recovered from the Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. These documents also include correspondence made with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

Trump violated this rule

The Presidential Records Act (PRA) was passed in 1978 after the Watergate scandal involving documents surfaced. Under this act, US Presidents are required to transfer all emails, letters and other working documents to the National Archive. But Donald Trump did not do so and thus he violated the rules. Due to which now there is a demand for investigation against him.

Ex-President called the revelations rubbish

'New York Times' journalist Maggie Haberman has elaborated on this matter in her upcoming book 'Confidence Man'. According to the book, White House staff noticed that the toilet was clogged due to paper, after which it was assumed that Trump flushed the documents. At the same time, Donald Trump has denied all these allegations. He said, 'Whatever has been shown or told about me is fake news. I had a very good relationship with the National Archive when I was President. There was no dispute between us.