Rajasthan / Father's friend raped a 22-year-old girl, the truth came out when she was five months pregnant

A case of rape has come to light in Jaipur, Rajasthan. The victim is a 22-year-old handicapped daughter of a jewelery trader. Her father's friend carried out the incident of rape with her. The whole matter has come to the fore when the victim was pregnant.

A case of rape has come to light in Jaipur, Rajasthan. The victim is a 22-year-old handicapped daughter of a jewelery trader. Her father's friend carried out the incident of rape with her. The whole matter has come to the fore when the victim was pregnant.

According to media reports, the matter is of Jaisinghpura Khor area of ​​the city. The victim's father told the police that two days ago, his daughter had a stomach ache. After that he took her to the doctor. In the investigation conducted here, it was found that the daughter is five months pregnant. After this the victim informed her father about the incident. He told that one day Uncle had raped him after finding him alone. On being informed about this, the accused had threatened to kill the victim's family and defame her.

Executed the crime by getting alone

According to the information, a friend of the father of the victim daughter was coming home for the past five to six months. He used to come home once a week. Meanwhile, one day he found the girl alone and committed the crime of rape. After that he raped the victim several times. After the matter came to light, the victim's father has filed a named case against the accused. Police has started the investigations in the case.