COVID-19 Update / For those who have corona, just one dose of vaccine is enough.

If CoronaVirus has been done and it is confused whether the Corona Vaccine should look or not. It has got the answer. People who are cured from Corona also get 1 dose, they are 2 doses as much as possible. These studies have been published in Infectious Disease Journal.

Vikrant Shekhawat : Jun 15, 2021, 07:20 AM
New Delhi: If CoronaVirus has been done and it is confused whether the Corona Vaccine should look or not. It has got the answer. People who are cured from Corona also get 1 dose, they are 2 doses as much as possible. These studies have been published in Infectious Disease Journal.

Studies in Hyderabad Hospital

Based on a study in Aig Hospital in Hyderabad, the researcher claims that 1 dose also gives a lot of security to the people who have defeated Kovid. Hospital has a study on 260 Health Care Workers. All of them had a dose of Covishield Vaccine (Covishield Vaccine) between January 16 to 5. It was seen in the study that how much immunity can create memory cells when illness.

More antibody made in people who beat Corona

The results were revealed that the people who had ever been infected before the vaccine had become quite antibody from a dose. While those who have never happened to Corona, the antibodies made less. Memory Sales also created more immunity in such people.

How To Work Memory Sales

In easy language, it can also be understood that when someone is transmitted to Corona, the body produces resistant ability to fight, i.e. creates antibodies. This process of making antibodies is recorded in the person's memory. In such a situation, if there is a re-installment again, the memory cells become active and make fast antibodies.

Artificial method of making antibodies

Even after the Coreona Vaccine looks like the memory cells are active, but in the event of natural infection, it is more accelerated in the process. You can also say artificial process of making antibodies. On this basis, it was reformed that if a dose also gets a dose within 3 to 6 months after Corona infection, it is capable of protecting equal security.

There will be no vaccine shortage

According to Dr. Nageshwar Reddy (Dr. D. Nageshwar Reddy, Chairman, Aig Hospitals) Chairman of AIG Hospital, such a shortage of vaccine may also end. Although he believes that once the population would be vaccine that there is a hurd immunity in India, then such people can also be thought of putting the second dose, who have got security by putting a dose.

What will be changed protocol?

The AIIMS Hospital Research has also said that if a person has a Corona virus infection then the antibody formed is much stronger than any vaccine. After this research, it needs to be considered whether the vaccine protocol should be changed for the Corona.