Delhi Air Pollution / GRAP 2 implemented in Delhi-NCR, read the important rules before going out

Due to rising pollution in Delhi, GRAP stage 2 was implemented. Diesel generators were banned from October 22. An order was issued when AQI crossed 300. Dust control and water sprinkling will be ensured on the roads. The public was appealed to use private vehicles less.

Vikrant Shekhawat : Oct 21, 2024, 08:11 PM
Delhi Air Pollution: In view of the increasing level of pollution in Delhi and NCR, the Air Quality Management Commission (CAQM) has ordered the implementation of Stage 2 of GRAP (Graded Response Action Plan) from October 22, 2024. Under this order, many important steps have been taken to control the air quality. The Air Quality Index (AQI) in the capital has risen above 300, which is considered as a critical situation.

Important guidelines under GRAP Stage 2

Many strict steps have been taken to control pollution. The most important of these is a complete ban on diesel generator sets, which will come into effect from 8 am on October 22. Apart from this, the following steps have been taken to improve air quality:

Cleaning of roads and sprinkling of water: Mechanical and vacuum sweeping will be done every day on the identified roads. Also, there will be regular sprinkling of water to control dust.

Road dust control: Special attention will be paid to dust barriers and water sprinkling in areas with heavy traffic and sensitive areas. These measures will try to reduce dust.

Dust control at construction sites: Inspection has been increased to strictly implement dust control measures at all C and D grade construction sites. It will be ensured that dust from construction sites does not further deteriorate the air quality.

Targeted action on hotspots: Focused action will be taken on the identified hotspots of NCR to identify and prevent the major causes of pollution there.

Improvement in power supply: Uninterrupted power supply will be ensured for alternative energy generation, so that the use of diesel generator sets is reduced.

Monitoring DG set operations: Strict schedule will be enforced for regulated operation of diesel generator sets in industrial, commercial, and residential areas.

Improvement in traffic operations: Synchronized traffic operations will be carried out for smooth flow of traffic, with adequate staff deployed at intersections and traffic congestion points.

Public awareness campaign: Alerts will be issued through newspapers, TV, and radio to make people aware of the level of air pollution and measures to deal with it.

Increase in parking charges: Parking charges will be increased to reduce private vehicle use, so that people use private vehicles as little as possible.

Expansion of public transport: The fleet of CNG and electric buses will be increased, as well as metro services will be further improved.

Ban on burning biomass: Burning of biomass or solid waste in the open during the winter season has been banned. Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs) have been directed to provide electric heaters to security personnel so that such polluting acts can be prevented.

Appeal to citizens for cooperation

All these measures are aimed at improving the air quality in the Delhi-NCR region. Citizens have been appealed to use public transport as much as possible and minimise the use of private vehicles. Along with this, the following advice has been given:

  • Use public transport and reduce the use of your private vehicles.
  • Choose a less congested route, even if it is a little longer.
  • Replace the air filters in your vehicles from time to time.
  • Avoid construction activities, especially in the months of October to January.
  • Avoid burning waste in the open.

Air pollution has become a serious problem in Delhi and NCR, which is directly affecting the health of citizens. The steps taken under GRAP Stage 2 will help deal with this problem, but for its successful implementation, cooperation of government agencies as well as common citizens is extremely important.