Gurugram / Gurugram auto driver challaned Rs 32,500 under new traffic norms

With the amended and stricter Motor Vehicles Act in place, several drivers and violators have been forced to cough up hefty penalties. The latest is an auto driver in Gurugram who was asked to pay Rs 32,500 for violating traffic rules. The auto driver was fined at the Bristol Chowk on Wednesday. The auto driver did not have his registration certificate, driver's license, pollution certificate and insurance papers.

With the amended and stricter Motor Vehicles Act in place, several drivers and violators have been forced to cough up hefty penalties. The latest is an auto driver in Gurugram who was asked to pay Rs 32,500 for violating traffic rules.

The auto driver was fined at the Bristol Chowk in Gurugram on Wednesday. The auto driver did not have his registration certificate, driver's license, pollution certificate and insurance papers in place.

In another incident, a Delhi resident commuting in Gurugram was fined Rs 23,000 while the scooter that he was driving costs around Rs 15,000.

These are among the number of cases that have been reported in NCR over the past few days since the implementation of the new traffic penalties.

Commuters will now have to pay a fine of Rs 5,000 instead of Rs 500 for driving without a license. At the same time, if a minor drives a vehicle, he will have to pay a fine of Rs 10,000, which was earlier Rs 500. There was no penalty so far for not giving way to the emergency vehicle, but now violators will have to pay a fine of Rs 10,000.

A fine of Rs 1000 will be charged instead of Rs 500 for driving without a helmet. Also, the driving license can be suspended for 3 months.

Officials believe people earlier not afraid of violating traffic rules but now due to an increased fine, they will be afraid before breaking any traffic rules.