Silvio Berlusconi / Italy's former PM gave 900 crores to his 53 years younger girlfriend Marta

Former Prime Minister of Italy, Silvio Berlusconi, who is famous all over the world for his romance and his romantic image, has left property worth about thousand crores to his girlfriend who is less than 50 years old. Former Prime Minister Berlusconi passed away last month. According to The Guardian's report, Berlusconi has given 900 crore rupees i.e. 100 million euros to his 33-year-old girlfriend Marta Fascina in

Silvio Berlusconi: Former Prime Minister of Italy, Silvio Berlusconi, who is famous all over the world for his romance and his romantic image, has left property worth about thousand crores to his girlfriend who is less than 50 years old. Former Prime Minister Berlusconi passed away last month. According to The Guardian's report, Berlusconi has given 900 crore rupees i.e. 100 million euros to his 33-year-old girlfriend Marta Fascina in his will.

Berlusconi, a three-time prime minister of Italy and called a media tycoon, had immense wealth and is believed to have more than 6 billion euros in assets.

Marta Fasina came into a relationship with Berlusconi from March 2020. Although Berlusconi was not legally married to Fasina, he reportedly referred to the girlfriend as his 'wife' during the last days of his life. Marta is about 53 years younger than Berlusconi.

Marta is a member of parliament since 2018

Fasina, 33, has been a member of the lower house of the Italian Parliament since the 2018 general election. She is a member of the Forza Italia party, which was founded by Berlusconi in 1994. With the formation of the new party, Berlusconi entered politics for the first time.

Meanwhile, control of Berlusconi's business empire will remain in the hands of his two eldest children, Marina and Pier Silvio. The pair, already holding executive roles in the business, will now hold a 53 per cent stake in the Fininvest Family.

900 crores were also given to brother

Berlusconi has given 100 million euros i.e. 900 crore rupees for his brother Paolo and 30 million euros to former senator Marcello Dell'Utri of Forza Italia party. Marcelo was sentenced to prison for his association with the Mafia.

Berlusconi has been a very popular personality in Italy, he has been in constant discussion in his country for a long time as a billionaire, media mogul, businessman and then prime minister. He died last month on June 12 at the age of 86. Due to ill health, he was admitted to a hospital in Milan.

Property divided among children

The will of the former prime minister was read out on Tuesday in the presence of his five children and other witnesses. In the will, Berlusconi wrote, "I am leaving the stock I have in equal shares to my children Marina and Pier Silvio." I divide all the rest in equal parts between my five children Marina, Pier, Barbara, Eleonora and Luigi."

Berlusconi signed his will with the words, "Thank you, lots of love to you all, your dad."

Although Berlusconi's life was very popular. He was the country's Prime Minister for 3 times, but was later banned from politics for six years after being convicted of tax fraud. Later he was suffering from leukemia.