Outcry from Corona in China / Lockdown imposed in 27 cities, 16.5 crore citizens imprisoned in homes, government adamant on zero covid policy

Along with other countries of the world, now Corona has started creating ruckus in China. The situation has become such that lockdown had to be imposed here in 27 cities. During the lockdown, the strictness is so much that 16.5 crore people are forced to remain imprisoned in their homes. The government's strict policy and zero covid policy is causing problems for the citizens.

Along with other countries of the world, now Corona has started creating ruckus in China. The situation has become such that lockdown had to be imposed here in 27 cities. During the lockdown, the strictness is so much that 16.5 crore people are forced to remain imprisoned in their homes. The government's strict policy and zero covid policy is causing problems for the citizens. The condition is that those who could not collect food items, they are getting food with great difficulty. In some places people are starving for 24 hours and then the next day they are allowed to buy food items for 1 hour.

China committing atrocities under zero covid policy

Let us tell you that during the epidemic, China is sticking to its zero covid policy. Under this, strict measures like lockdown, mass testing, quarantine and closing of borders, people are prohibited from leaving the house, heavy fines and jail are being taken to prevent the virus. Despite the strictness of China, the pace of corona infection is not decreasing. Due to these harsh restrictions people are forced to starve.

In March this year, cases suddenly started increasing in China.

In March this year, cases started increasing in China suddenly, with the infection gaining momentum in the country which is faster than the initial outbreak in Wuhan in early 2020. Northeast Jilin province was badly affected during the initial stages of the outbreak. On Thursday, officials in Changchun and Jilin City, which have a combined population of more than 3.55 million residents, said they would start easing the lockdown soon. However, it is not clear how this process will take place, or under what circumstances people will be allowed to leave their homes.

For the first time in the last 24 hours in Taiwan, more than 10 thousand cases of corona

For the first time in the last 24 hours in Taiwan, more than 10 thousand cases of corona were found. The government of Taiwan recently decided to remove its zero-covid policy, but now it is proving to be overwhelming. Taiwan has once again largely closed its borders and implemented strict quarantine rules during the pandemic to keep the number of infections down.