Viral News / Men in bras, women topless, why this demonstration took place on the streets of Berlin?

Hundreds of people on the demand for gender equality in Berlin Berlin performed the topless on the streets, in which most women were involved. Women riding a bicycle on the streets of clothing and voice for similar sexual rights.Women performed this because there was a French woman out of the past in the city's park without taking out the charge of the sunlight.

Hundreds of people on the demand for gender equality in Berlin Berlin performed the topless on the streets, in which most women were involved. Women riding a bicycle on the streets of clothing and voice for similar sexual rights.Women performed this because there was a French woman out of the past in the city's park without taking out the charge of the sunlight.

According to the local media, the French woman had a friend and two children to play in Swim Park and during that time Gabriel had worn swimsuit. When the guards asked the woman to cover the woman, she repeatedly questioned why she should do this. The woman questioned that if the man can be insulted independently in the top park, why not he?

The French Citizen Gabriel Labatran was fired out of the Berlin Water Park by the police because he was taking off his shirt and was stuck. The woman was asked to wear clothes from the police but she was turned out of the park. This public action has annoyed women in Berlin.

In the afternoon of Berlin on Saturday 10th July, women opposed this decision of officials and demanded equality. In this demonstration, hundreds of men and women kept their demand ahead of the government.

In the demonstration held in opposition to the woman out of the park, men performed themselves by wearing a bra while women visited the whole city with slogans like 'Free The Bubs' and 'My Body, My Choice' on their body. did.

The special thing is that there was a dress code topless in this demonstration being taken about equality which was strictly implemented. However, during this time some women had put tinlex, wigs and body paintings on their body. With women 'standing in solidarity' was asked to join the performance by wearing bra.

The French Citizen Gabrial Labreton was taken out to get justice to get justice to get justice, to get justice by wearing clothes by wearing clothes by wearing clothes in Berlin.