Income Tax / Now you will be able to file income tax return till 31st December, till now 30th September was the last date

The last date for filing income tax returns for the year 2021-22 has been extended till December 31. The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) took this decision on Thursday. Till now September 30 was the last date to file ITR. It was also extended from July 31 to September 30. CBDT has taken this decision under sub-section-1 of Section-139 of the Income Tax Act.

Vikrant Shekhawat : Sep 09, 2021, 08:04 PM
The last date for filing income tax returns for the year 2021-22 has been extended till December 31. The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) took this decision on Thursday.

Till now September 30 was the last date to file ITR. It was also extended from July 31 to September 30. CBDT has taken this decision under sub-section-1 of Section-139 of the Income Tax Act.