Pakistan / Preparation to register a case of treason against opposition leaders from the country, arrest is possible at any time

Before the no-confidence motion on Sunday, there is a possibility of something very big and dangerous happening in the politics of Pakistan. Prime Minister Imran Khan had made it clear on Friday that he was going to give a 'Sunday surprise'. Some information about this alleged surprise of his is coming out filtering.

Before the no-confidence motion on Sunday, there is a possibility of something very big and dangerous happening in the politics of Pakistan. Prime Minister Imran Khan had made it clear on Friday that he was going to give a 'Sunday surprise'. Some information about this alleged surprise of his is coming out filtering. According to the reports, all the leaders of the opposition can be arrested late on Saturday night. Before this, preparations have been made to register a case of sedition against him.

By the way, according to the schedule, three big things can happen on Sunday. 1- Discussion on the motion of no confidence. 2- Voting if the speaker wants. Imran's rally in Islamabad.

saturday night important

According to Ansar Abbasi, senior journalist of Pakistan, who is considered very close to both the army and Imran Khan, the Imran Khan government can arrest all the leaders of the opposition at any time. Before their arrest, a case of treason, ie, treason, will be registered against all of them. Secret meetings have been held for this. A section will be imposed on these leaders for being involved in a foreign conspiracy against the country. The government has the right to do this.

will the army support

According to Abbasi, the army had placed three things in front of both the opposition and Imran. First- Imran resigns. Secondly, a coalition government should be formed. Third- Parliament should be dissolved and fresh elections should be held immediately.

According to the information, Imran was not ready on the first condition. The third condition or thing was not acceptable to Asif Ali Zardari. So, this middle ground has been closed. Now what will the army do in the matter of arresting the opposition leaders and registering a case of sedition against them, it is not clear at the moment. It is believed that if the political situation of the country remains the same and the confrontation continues, then the army will be active and emergency will be decided. All these things will come out in the open by Sunday evening.

risk of bleeding

Imran Khan is going to rally in Islamabad on Sunday itself. The army and the ISI are against it, but Imran doesn't want to miss any opportunity to take political mileage. It is not yet clear whether this rally will take place before or after the debate and voting on the no-confidence motion in Parliament. Experts believe that if Imran loses in voting, then his supporters present in Islamabad can commit violence. Evidence of this has also come to the fore from Khyber Pakhtukhwa. An audio of Chief Minister Mehmood Khan here went viral recently. In Khyber, there is a government of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf i.e. Imran's party. In this audio, Mehmood had clearly told his supporters that if the Imran government falls, they should take to the streets and raise slogans and violence against America, set American flags on fire.