Those who give ration to the poor will be sued / The government has given a moratorium, surrender the card itself in ten days, no action will be taken

Fake and ineligible ration card holders who burp the food of the poor in the state will soon be punished. Along with the recovery of the ration taken so far from the fake card holders, preparations are being made to file a case against them. At present there are more than 14 lakh Antyodaya and Primary household ration card holders in Uttarakhand.

Fake and ineligible ration card holders who burp the food of the poor in the state will soon be punished. Along with the recovery of the ration taken so far from the fake card holders, preparations are being made to file a case against them. At present there are more than 14 lakh Antyodaya and Primary household ration card holders in Uttarakhand.

There are more than one lakh 84 thousand Antyodaya and more than 12 lakh 27 thousand primary families ration card holders in the state. Among them, there are a large number of fake and ineligible ration card holders. Those who are taking advantage of free ration every month and at very low cost to the poor. The government will give ten days time to the fake and ineligible ration card holders to surrender the first ration card to the Supply Inspector's office.

No action will be taken against those who surrender the ration card during this period. Their name and address will also be kept confidential, but if the ration card is not surrendered after the stipulated time, an FIR will be lodged against them along with the recovery of ration.

Toll free number will be issued for action against ineligible

Despite being ineligible, the department will also issue a toll free number every month for action against the card holders taking ration for Antyodaya and primary family ration card holders. The name and address of the complainant against such fake and ineligible ration card holders will be kept confidential on this number.

Ration is available every month

Antyodaya ration card holder is given rice at the rate of three rupees per kg and wheat at the rate of two rupees per kg. Apart from this, 5 kg free ration is available.

Primary family ration card holder

Rice is available at Rs 3 per kg and wheat at Rs 2 per kg per unit. Apart from this, these ration card holders get five kg free ration.

The government is going to take big action against the ineligible ration card holders who are taking ration for the rights of the poor. Along with the recovery of the ration so far from them, a case can also be filed against them.

-Rekha Arya, Food and Civil Supplies Minister