Isro Chandrayaan 3 / There are immense reserves of water on the moon, ISRO told this will be surprised to know this

ISRO has made a big revelation about the secrets of the moon. ISRO's Space Applications Center (SAC) scientists have revealed evidence of increasing possibility of water ice in the polar craters of the Moon in a recent study. The study, published in the journal International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, shows that the amount of subsurface ice in the first few meters of the moon is about 5 to 8

Isro Chandrayaan 3: ISRO has made a big revelation about the secrets of the moon. ISRO's Space Applications Center (SAC) scientists have revealed evidence of increasing possibility of water ice in the polar craters of the Moon in a recent study. The study, published in the journal International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, shows that the amount of subsurface ice in the first few meters of the moon is about 5 to 8 times greater than the amount of ice on the surface in both the northern and southern polar regions. This discovery has important implications for future lunar missions and long-term human presence on the Moon.

The discovery of ice on the lunar subsurface could prove to be a game-changer for future exploration of lunar water. Drilling on the Moon to sample or excavate this ice will be important to support future missions and establish the possibility of life on the Moon's surface. Furthermore, the study also shows that the amount of water ice in the northern polar region is twice that of the southern polar region.

Water on the Moon may have come from volcanic eruptions

This study of the Moon confirms the hypothesis that the primary source of water ice at the Moon's poles emerged during volcanism during the Imbrian period, 3.8 to 3.2 billion years ago. Canyons and maria (dark, flat plains formed by ancient volcanic eruptions) were formed by intense volcanic activity. The results also conclude that the water ice may have been caused by a volcanic impact.

The research team used seven instruments, including radar, laser, optical, neutron spectrometer, ultra-violet spectrometer, and thermal radiometer on NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), to understand the origin and distribution of water ice on the Moon.

Finding water on the moon is very important

This occurrence of water ice in the lunar poles is extremely important as it helps in determining the possibility of future life on the Moon as well as in ISRO's ability to select future landing and sampling sites for missions aimed at exploration and characterization. It is important to prevent uncertainties. The findings of this study are based on ISRO's previous study, in which Chandrayaan-2 pointed towards the possibility of presence of water ice in the polar craters. ,