Relief news / There is no sign of fourth wave in the country, this is why the claim of Kovid Task Chief is strong

Corona cases have started increasing once again in some parts of the world, but there is news of relief for India. Experts say that at present there is no sign of fourth wave in the country. The head of the Kovid Task Force, Dr. Narendra Kumar, says that the possibility of increasing corona in the country is less. There are huge disparities between India and other countries.

Corona cases have started increasing once again in some parts of the world, but there is news of relief for India. Experts say that at present there is no sign of fourth wave in the country. The head of the Kovid Task Force, Dr. Narendra Kumar, says that the possibility of increasing corona in the country is less. There are huge disparities between India and other countries.

The role of this inequality in the corona epidemic is very important, because from the beginning till now this disease is showing different effects in every country. Monitoring is going on locally and internationally regarding new changes in the virus. So far they have not found any new mutations in surveillance. He said, no change has been reported in the virus during genome sequencing.

Large population remains vaccinated in Hong Kong

As of February, 69% of the population in Hong Kong aged 80 and over had been vaccinated. Six per cent of the population in Singapore and two per cent in New Zealand are yet to be vaccinated. Talking about India, about 96 percent of the population here has received the first dose. Dr. Soumitra Das, director of the National Institute of Biomedical Genomics based in Pt. Bengal, said, countries including China where the wave of corona infection has come again.

Do not take Omicron lightly

Dr. Anurag Aggarwal, Director, IGIB based in New Delhi says, "Those who consider the Omicron variant to be mild can see the situation in Hong Kong. Not all corona vaccines have the same effect. Many people in Hong Kong are still away from vaccination. The mild effect of the Omicron variant was not observed in such people. As of last Sunday, 3,993 people have died due to corona infection in Hong Kong, of which three quarters occurred in the last 12 days.

2,876 new cases 98 patients died in 24 hours

In the last 24 hours, 2,876 new cases of Kovid-19 have been reported in the country. With this, the total number of infected has gone up to 4,29,98,938. At the same time, the number of patients under treatment has come down to 32,811. According to the data released by the Union Health Ministry on Wednesday, there have been 98 deaths due to infection in the country in the last one day, with this the total death toll has increased to 5,16,072.

The number of active cases of Kovid-19 has come down to 32,811, which is 0.08 percent of the total cases. A decrease in the number of patients under treatment was recorded in 24 hours by 1,106. The national recovery rate of patients has increased to 98.72 percent. So far, a total of 4,24,50,055 people have been cured of the infection in the country, with a mortality rate of 1.20 percent from Kovid-19.