Maharashtra News / This state of the country declared cow as the mother of the state and issued an order

The Maharashtra government has declared the cow as the "mother of the state", recognising that the cow has an important place in Indian culture and Ayurveda. Cow milk, urine, and dung are considered beneficial for human health and organic farming. The move is expected to prevent cow slaughter and cow smuggling.

Vikrant Shekhawat : Sep 30, 2024, 02:20 PM
Maharashtra News: Taking an important step, the Maharashtra government today issued an official order declaring the cow as 'Rajya Mata'. Indian culture, religious faith, and health benefits have been cited as the main basis behind this order. According to the government, the cow has been revered in Indian society since the Vedic period and its products—milk, cow urine, cow dung—are considered important not only from a religious point of view but also for Ayurveda and organic farming.

Religious and cultural importance of cow

The cow has a very high place in Indian culture. In Hinduism, the cow has been given the status of mother and it is worshiped. According to mythological beliefs, 33 crore gods and goddesses reside in the cow. Lord Krishna is also called by names like 'Gopal' and 'Govind', showing his deep connection with the cow, which shows his love and service to cows.

Health benefits and Ayurvedic importance

Cow's milk and its other products like ghee, curd, and butter are of great importance in Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, cow's milk is extremely beneficial for the physical and mental development of children. Regular consumption of this improves the intelligence and health of children. Cow dung and cow urine are also used in Ayurvedic medicines and organic farming, which makes it possible to treat many diseases.

Cow urine has been given a special place in the Ayurvedic system of medicine, which is known as Panchgavya Chikitsa system. In this, medicines are made for the treatment of various diseases by mixing cow urine, cow milk, curd, butter and cow dung. Keeping in mind the antiquity and effectiveness of this Ayurvedic treatment system, the government has decided to give the status of 'Rajya Mata' to the cow.

This decision amid increasing incidents of cow slaughter and cow smuggling in the society

This decision to give the status of 'Rajya Mata' to the cow has come at a time when cases of cow slaughter and cow smuggling are increasing across the country. Strict laws have been made to stop cow slaughter and cow smuggling in many states including Maharashtra, but it has not been completely controlled. Governments are aware of these incidents, but more steps are required to be taken to resolve them.

Long-running movement successful

For a long time, various sections of society and religious organizations were demanding to give the status of Rashtramata or Rajyamata to the cow. This demand is inspired by the feeling of respect and reverence for the cow in Hinduism. This movement has now achieved success and Maharashtra has taken the first step in this direction. It is expected that this decision will inspire other states and the central government as well.


This decision of the Maharashtra government is not only respecting religious faith, but is also an important step towards re-recognizing the health and economic importance of the cow. This decision is a big victory for those who were struggling for a long time to declare the cow as the Rashtramata.