Baltimore: Even nature sometimes shows such miracles that humans are astonished. Such a creature has been found in America, seeing which even big scientists are surprised. This creature is a crab, which is bisexual.This crab is kept in the Maryland Science MuseumThis crab is kept in the Maryland Science Museum in Baltimore city. Which is blue in appearance, but its claws are of two colors. Usually the blue claws of the male crab are the same as the red claws of the female crabs, but this crab has both blue and red claws. Due to this, the researchers are quite surprised.GyndromorphyThis is a very rare condition called gyandromorphy. It is a condition in which an organism has characteristics of both male and female. This crab, four and a half inches long, has been found by a crabber in Maryland. According to the news of DailyMail, crabber Jerry Smith donated this crab to the Delmarva Discovery Museum. He had caught such a crab even 42 years ago. This crab is kept in the tank.Crabs are an important contributor to the seafood chain. But the number of crabs has decreased dramatically in recent times. The number of crabs has decreased in many parts of the world. However, it remains the choice of people who like seafood.