Rajasthan / Viral video of Dalit family's pregnant woman and her mother being beaten up with sticks with sticks, video viral

who has been surprised in Pali district of Rajasthan, have come. In Shah Jumino, pregnant woman and her mother defeated a pregnant woman and her mother. The voice of this visible warrant on social media, after which the second is transferred in Frysis. Police have taken four characters in custody, other accused are going to be confused for the ceremony.

Delhi: who has been surprised in Pali district of Rajasthan, have come. In Shah Jumino, pregnant woman and her mother defeated a pregnant woman and her mother. The voice of this visible warrant on social media, after which the second is transferred in Frysis. Police have taken four characters in custody, other accused are going to be confused for the ceremony.

There is a dispute on a Zimname in two Ponnamon in Pali Sirana village. Dalit party demands about this controversy about the second party and the second party. The pregnant sister Lalita and that Samas Mangalal's Manali Devi was saving asylum. The accused threatened the empty corner of the jumbel. PE confirmation is accused that birds which are indicated with the village, you do not give any testimony to any testimony. On the video in AA, so that the reality came out.

By adding delay goddess hands in viral video, the government is going to feel mad. Institute Ashok Mezwal also wants to take the album on the police, that there was a resort da peak in the police, but not even in it. In the report recorded on March 15, it was reported that Yashpal Singh took the son of Rohanath Singh, Rohanith Singh, Satan Singh's son Hukam Singh, Narpa Singh son Mountain Singh, Vikram Singh son Narpat Singh, who was a resident of Runna. The unauthorized and broken pause was registered in the Assessment ST Act.

In this case, after the report was recorded, the second was dominated by fur. It has been reported that 8 to 10 of the second party will be angry with the complaint in the police and the pregnant Dalit woman and her mother brought out of the house and beaten. Perir Perarpat of Gambhir Chantin Air Daughter for the woman in this attack. Even after the craft of repair crafts, accept karma. After the incident, Dadhedi has been sung in the hospital. So far, Dadia has been covered in this case. Governance PID is going to be able to save life. Get a police alert after video viral.

Rural DSP Shravdas Tara Rat Police Station Jaswant Singh Raj Kurhil said that the police have said that 10 people including Hukam Singh, Satan Singh, Chandrabhan Singh, Vikram Singh, Shrivalam Jat and Chandan Singh. Trying to try, the injured old and daughter have been admitted to the hospital. Pelly Aspi Kalo Rawat said that the case of the accused and State of Cita sang in the case. In this case, four accused have been directed by the courts, the second is playing for catering.

People in Rajasthan are alert to the Chief Minister and District Police Administration for the whole month, but no action was taken.

Also, Bhim Army Chandrasekhar Azad tweeted that "People of the victim in Rajasthan, shifts are alert to the Chief Minister and District Police Administration for the whole month but no action was done in today's life '