BAN-PAK Relations / What game are Bangladesh and Pakistan playing? 5 big decisions are being witnessed

After the change of power in Bangladesh, a change is being seen in India-Bangladesh relations. Mohammad Yunus' government has taken decisions like buying ammunition from Pakistan, asking for a list of Hindu officers, and releasing the head of a terrorist organization. These decisions have raised concerns about Bangladesh's anti-India policies.

Vikrant Shekhawat : Sep 08, 2024, 09:50 AM
BAN-PAK Relations: There has been a surprising change in the situation after the change of power in Bangladesh. When Nobel Peace Prize winner Mohammad Yunus took power in Bangladesh last month, it was expected that this change would bring peace and stability. It would not have much effect on relations with India, but the news coming from Bangladesh is contrary to these estimates. It seems that Bangladesh is again going on the path of East Pakistan.

Five major decisions of Mohammad Yunus's government

Purchase of ammunition from Pakistan: Bangladesh has increased the purchase of ammunition from Pakistan drastically. Bangladesh has ordered 40,000 rounds of ammunition, 2,000 tank ammunition, 40 tons of RDX explosives, and 2,900 high-intensity projectiles from Pakistan Ordnance Factory. This increase is much larger than the order of last year. Bangladesh will receive these shipments in three phases, with the first phase being completed this month. Buying weapons from Pakistan, especially when it is notorious for terrorism, raises many questions.

List of Hindu officials: The Yunus government has sought a list of senior Hindu officials and their personal details from ministries and departments of Bangladesh. This decision is causing fear and insecurity among the Hindu community in Bangladesh. The move points to possible discrimination against Hindu officials, and raises concerns about the status of religious minorities in Bangladesh.

Release of Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT) chief: The Yunus government released Jasimuddin Rahmani, the head of the terrorist organization Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT). The move raises questions about the government's tough policies towards terrorism in Bangladesh and may impact security.

Growing influence of Jamaat-e-Islami: The influence of the anti-India Jamaat-e-Islami is increasing in Bangladesh politics. This organization has been controversial before and its increasing role may have a negative impact on Bangladesh-India relations.

Violence against Hindu community: Recently, more than 205 cases of violence against Hindus have been reported in 52 districts of Bangladesh. The scale of this violence and its increasing incidents raise serious concerns about the safety of the Hindu community.

Growing relations with Pakistan and China

Relations with Pakistan: Recently, the Bangladesh government has strengthened its relations with Pakistan. Pakistan High Commissioner Syed Ahmed met Bangladesh Minister Nahid Islam, in which the issue of 1971 war was discussed. Earlier, Pakistani PM Shahbaz Sharif met Yunus. These meetings indicate that the relationship between Bangladesh and Pakistan can now become even stronger.

Relations with China: After the ban on Jamaat-e-Islami was lifted in Bangladesh, Chinese Ambassador Yao Wen met the leaders of the Jamaat. This seems to be an attempt by China to increase friendship with Bangladesh. During Sheikh Hasina's government, Bangladesh was mostly inclined towards India, but now the growing ties with China indicate a new direction in Bangladesh's foreign policy.


The policy changes made after the change of power in Bangladesh have presented new challenges in relations with India and other neighboring countries. The purchase of arms from Pakistan, seeking a list of Hindu officials, and growing ties with China mark a turning point in Bangladesh's foreign and domestic policy. These changes may have an impact on regional security and India-Bangladesh relations, and require extensive analysis.