Viral News / Which has been extinct 85 years ago, half dog-like and half tiger-reappeared

If a creature is over, how can he see? It is surprising that people of Tasmania of Australia have given information about seeing such creatures, which has become extinct 85 years ago. It's like half the dog and half the tiger. This creature says Tasmanian tiger (Tasmanian tiger). Let's know where 8 decades ago people have seen people again?

If a creature is over, how can he see? It is surprising that people of Tasmania of Australia have given information about seeing such creatures, which has become extinct 85 years ago. It's like half the dog and half the tiger. This creature says Tasmanian tiger (Tasmanian tiger). Let's know where 8 decades ago people have seen people again? 

Tasmanian Tiger (Tasmanian Tiger) was usually seen in areas of Australia and Tasmania. But it was declared extinct in 1936. President Neil Water of Australia (Thiasin) Awareness Group has revealed that he has seen a family of Tasmanian tiger (Tasmanian tiger) in the forests. They also have pictures as their evidence. 

Neil Water says that he has four pictures in which there is a complete family of Tasmanian tiger (Tasmanian tiger). There are some children too. Since this revelation, the wave of happiness was ran among wildlife lovers. But after a few days the pictures of Neil's water proved to be wrong. He was told that he is trying to recognize you. 

Says such a way to promote psychological propaganda. Similarly, the footage of a mysterious non-vegetarian flight squirrel was imprisoned in the WWF camera in 2005. These footage were recorded in the forest of Indonesia. In 2007, 2011 and in 2014, the video of dogs and monkeys were also in front of Texas. Those who were called quietly (silly).

It is impossible that if a creature has ended several decades ago, how can it be seen back? From 1840, the creature called Black-Broad Babalar was found in Indonesia. A man took his pictures. It was later checked, it was found that only 6 organisms are left. Who saw this guy. Photos of Tasmanian Tiger (Tasmanian Tiger) are present. Their videos are also present. These are also in memory of people. But the news of seeing them back is proving to be false.

It is believed that Tasmanian tiger (Tasmanian tiger) came to Earth 20 million years ago. But the last living creature was seen in Tasmania in 1930. Since then this creature has not seen anyone. Some people call it Tasmanian wolf (Tasmanian wolf). 

Adult Tasmanian Tiger (Tasmanian Tiger) was 39 to 51 inches long. The weight was between 12 to 22 kilograms. His height was 20 to 26 inches. The next part of their body was like a dog, while straps like tigers were found on the final parts.

Tasmanian Tiger (Tasmanian Tiger) was a non-vegetarian creature at night. They made their home in trees, big knees etc. It was considered extremely rise. It was the most dangerous people who used to cultivate. After attacking these people, they used to ruin the crop.