Vicky Rathore
- Ukraine,
- 27-Jun-2021,
Being a mother is the most enjoyable moment for every woman, but many women do not become a mother due to difficulties in the body. In order to take pleasure of motherhood, such women resort to Sarogasi. This is the reason why such a couple who want to become a parent to become parents turn to Ukraine where the children's factory is run. It means that in Jooken, Sarogasi got legal recognition, which gives thousands of children every year.Ukraine strained from Russia is known for its beauty, but now it has gradually discussed in the whole world to run the factories to create a child through surrogacy. Although the ugly truth of this beautiful country is that there is a surrogate mother kept like an animal and worked.According to the report of the Daily Mail, there is no added to Ukraine who is not capable of making children from itself, spending 40 to 42 lakh rupees and can deal with your children in a few months. . This whole work is done so professional in such a professional that the person who serves his service does not know that through the woman who received the child's happiness, he has created his child in what circumstances.The couple who served Surrogate Mother by giving money does not think that the woman who is in her lap, how much the woman who has struggled in 9 months. According to the report of the Daily Mail, it was revealed when Bianca and Winnie Smith, who became a parent through Sarogasi, would be the truth of this child factory. Bianca said, "It is very difficult for us to know how behaved with surrogates due to the obstacle of language 'but everyone knows who is not happy through this.'Bianca and Smith were surprised at the time when a woman who created a child through surrogacy told the truth. This couple had two twin son through surrogacy. A woman working for surrogacy said that she is kept like animals in very bad circumstances before delivery.They have to live on dirt places and have to resort to dirty water for defecation. He can not do it with fear of action against his complaint. The woman told Bianca and Winnie Smith that she is left to stay in summer and is not provided to AC. For this work, they are given a sum of 10 lakhs in the year, but in the name of the facility, the same is lied to the parents who want children through surrogacy.According to the woman, it is run on a large scale like other businesses in Ukraine and companies also promote and events where the children who are born through surroges are spread and propagated for it but the black truth behind the scenes Do not know anyone.Tell that there is a lot of law in countries like India, Nepal and Bangladesh, through which people move to this country. However, Sarogasi has been legal recognition in the bratin.