What were your 85 MPs doing then? / Congress's big attack on PM Modi over The Kashmir Files

The opposition has become an attacker on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's statement regarding The Kashmir Files. Congress spokesperson Randeep Surjewala has fiercely attacked the role of PM Modi and BJP MPs of that time by tweeting.

The opposition has become an attacker on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's statement regarding The Kashmir Files. Congress spokesperson Randeep Surjewala has fiercely attacked the role of PM Modi and BJP MPs of that time by tweeting. Surjewala asked that PM Modi should tell that when Kashmiri Pandits were forced to flee under the shadow of terror and barbarism in 1990, what were the 85 BJP MPs, with whose support the VP Singh government was running at the Centre? Why did the Governor replace the Chief Minister and instead of providing security, instigate the Pandits to flee? Randeep Surjewala said in his second tweet that does the PM of the country want to leave everything from Bapu's ideals to the pain of Kashmiri Pandits to films? When will the Modi government finally realize its responsibilities, facing facts and truth? After all, for how long will we continue to seek political opportunities only in lies, hatred and division?

Your leaders stood by the British every time: Surjewala

Surjewala said that from its formation in 1925 to 1947, it stood against the country's independence movement and Bapu. Be it 'Non-cooperation Movement', 'Civil Disobedience' or countrywide movement of 'Quit India'…Stand with the British every time. When the country became independent, it adopted 'divide and rule' from day one.

Rajiv Gandhi raised voice of Kashmiri Pandits: Surjewala

Surjewala said that in the BJP-backed government, when Kashmiri Pandits were being oppressed and exodus, Rajiv Gandhi gheraoed the Parliament, raised their voice. But the BJP gave tacit support to this tragedy, taking out 'Rath Yatra' for political gains. They were like that then and are still like that.

How long will the crop of profit from the cultivation of hatred?: Surjewala

Surjewala said that in 8 years, what did the Modi government do for the rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits? Things got worse again in Kashmir, violence escalated and thousands of Kashmiris had to flee. When Kashmiris could not do anything for the Pandits, they started showing the film? How long until the harvest of profit from the cultivation of hatred?

Advani was busy in Rath Yatra when Kashmiri Pandits were forced to flee

Surjewala said that when the Kashmiri Pandits were forced to flee, the Delhi government was running with your support. At that time your leader Shri Jagmohan was the governor by removing the CM and he had shied away from the responsibility. At that time BJP and Advani were busy in Rath Yatra. The operator-event manager of that Rath Yatra was Modi ji.

Surjewala also counted the works done during the UPA and NDA government.

For Kashmir and Kashmiri Pandits

In UPA government-

• 4241 terrorists were killed in 10 years

•3000 jobs in PM package

• Build 5911 transit accommodation

In Modi government-

• 1419 terrorists were killed in 8 years

• Found only 520 jobs

•Build 1000 transit accommodations

Will you benefit only by deepening the wound?