COVID-19 Update / Corona cases decreasing, Ministry of Home Affairs gave this special mantra to the states on Kovid protocol

Cases of Corona infection are declining rapidly. The Home Ministry has issued guidelines for all the States and Union Territories that the cases of Corona are decreasing, but whenever the relaxed, more precaution will be taken. Guidelines issued by the Central Government will continue till July 31. The center of controling Kovid has also prepared 5 Fold Strategs.

Vikrant Shekhawat : Jun 30, 2021, 06:56 AM
Cases of Corona infection are declining rapidly. The Home Ministry has issued guidelines for all the States and Union Territories that the cases of Corona are decreasing, but whenever the relaxed, more precaution will be taken. Guidelines issued by the Central Government will continue till July 31. The center of controling Kovid has also prepared 5 Fold Strategs.

The Home Ministry has reiterated the same guidelines, which were issued by the Union Health Ministry on April 25. The Central Government has advised the states that the status of the new Kovid-19 cases are free to do the state at its level. Try to overcome Corona crisis under state 5 strategies.

According to the Home Ministry, these 5 Fold Strategy Testing, Tracking, Treatment, Kovid Apriliat Bihavier and Post Covid Management. Constantly appealing to the Central Government and Health Ministry is that they follow the Kovid rules and unite in the war against Corona. 

Keep the state locally on Kovid Management

The Central Government has said on Kovid Management that the states should regularly monitor those districts, where the number of core cases of Corona is high on population per 10 lakh. If it is monitored, then the management of better health facilities will be done at the right time in terms of population.

In fact, after the decline in the active cases of Corona infection, many states have begun to relax in the restrictions. People's negligence have come up in many places. People are not following Corona rules. Neither people are putting masks on public place, nor are they following social distensing. The Center says that this discount should be given very carefully, which is according to the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health.

The Home Ministry says that keep an eye on the adequate number of new cases and hospitals in the Union Territory Corona. Jungle Administrative Units Be Cautious about it. As soon as the matters grow rapidly, beds and health services should be improved in hospitals before.