- USA,
- 11-Jul-2021 07:05 AM IST
In America's Massachusetts, a school has been allowed to give his students a shock again. The federal court said on Tuesday that Massachusetts School can continue to give electricity shocks to their students for disabled children. US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had banned treatment with electric shock used in the first school. The institution had controversial this method to fix aggressive or self-harmful behavior in adults and children.A group of parents of the school, parents and students had challenged the decision to ban the FDA. During the hearing, the court found that treatment is under medical law rules, so it is beyond the control of the FDA.In a statement after the decision, the school said, "With the treatment, the residents of here can continue to participate in the rich experiences, enjoy trips here with their families and the most important thing is that security and self- Living free from harmful and aggressive behavior. "The parents of the students said in a statement, "We will continue to keep our loved ones safe and alive and keep access to this life saving treatment of the last resort."Judge Rotenburg Center is the only school in America, which treat its students by electric shock. Although he has suffered a huge criticism on behalf of mental disability rights International (DRI) and those who interact with disability rights including the United Nations. Their argument is that it is "trouble".DRI President Lorry Ahn told the Guardian, "The idea of using electric shocks to torture children has been recognized as a bad and tribute treatment method."Matthew Israel, founder of Institute and Treatment, told ABC News, "The real torture is not to be such a program and treatment method.