Free Electricity / Free electricity consumers may get a big shock after the elections!

Electricity companies in Rajasthan are running at a loss of more than one lakh crore. Due to the free electricity being given to the consumers, the power companies which are running in loss are facing the situation of poverty. Although the government is talking about making various efforts to rescue the companies from losses, but now the biggest question is whether the relief given by the previous government in

Free Electricity: Electricity companies in Rajasthan are running at a loss of more than one lakh crore. Due to the free electricity being given to the consumers, the power companies which are running in loss are facing the situation of poverty. Although the government is talking about making various efforts to rescue the companies from losses, but now the biggest question is whether the relief given by the previous government in electricity bills to the domestic and agricultural consumers of the state, will that relief be applicable in the Lok Sabha elections? Will continue even after.

The answers given by the state government to the questions of the MLAs in the Assembly are indicating that this relief will continue till the Lok Sabha elections, but after that the consumers may get electric shock. It is noteworthy that in the election year, the previous Congress government had announced to provide free electricity up to 100 units to domestic consumers and 2000 units to agricultural consumers in the state. Due to this, crores of electricity consumers of the state are getting relief in electricity bills. , but the accumulated losses of the already loss making government power companies have reached above Rs 1 lakh, 7 thousand, 655 crores. Out of this, the loss for the year 2022-23 alone is Rs 8824.43 crore. The government has given this information in response to the question raised in the Assembly by Khinvsar MLA Hanuman Beniwal.

Know which company and how much loss

  • Jaipur Electricity Distribution Corporation – Rs 29,318.33 crore
  • Ajmer Electricity Distribution Corporation – Rs 28,263.39 crore
  • Jodhpur Electricity Distribution Corporation – Rs 34,488.07 crore
  • Rajasthan Electricity Transmission Corporation – Rs 1448.90 crore
  • Rajasthan Electricity Generation Corporation – Rs 14,137.11 crore
  • Total accumulated loss – Rs 1,07,655.8 crore
Big benefit to the public

Even though the power companies are incurring huge losses, the public has benefited greatly from the relief given by the government. By December 2023, more than 1.20 crore domestic consumers and more than 17.74 lakh agricultural consumers of the state were getting relief in electricity bills. Of these, bills of more than 69.88 lakh domestic and 10.09 lakh agricultural consumers were coming to zero.

Efforts made at corporate level

The government said that the corporation administration is continuously making efforts to reduce the losses of power companies, under which it has taken steps from time to time like better fuel, consultancy services, arrangement for training of employees.

Oil will come out from sesame seeds only

It is true that power companies are on the verge of bankruptcy. Due to government subsidy, the financial burden of thousands of crores has fallen on the discom. For subsidy expenses, power companies have to take loans of more than Rs 60 thousand crores every year from banks, the annual interest on which is very high. Due to this, the power companies which were already incurring losses are going into further losses. Governments give free electricity to the public during elections and later collect it with interest. So many other charges, including surcharge and Yule charge, are added to the bill that they end up exceeding the original bill. Overall, the oil will come out of the sesame seeds only and ultimately the public will have to bear the burden.