India-Maldives News / India gave 50 million US dollars to China loving Maldives, will Muijju's conscience change now?

China-loving Maldivian President Mohammed Muizzu has finally realized that without India's help his boat is not going to sail through. This is the reason why Muijju, who initially loved China and showed flamboyance against India, soon came to know his position. Therefore, first he talked about restoring relations with India and then appealed to PM Modi for help in many stalled development works of his country.

Vikrant Shekhawat : May 13, 2024, 05:40 PM
India-Maldives News: China-loving Maldivian President Mohammed Muizzu has finally realized that without India's help his boat is not going to sail through. This is the reason why Muijju, who initially loved China and showed flamboyance against India, soon came to know his position. Therefore, first he talked about restoring relations with India and then appealed to PM Modi for help in many stalled development works of his country. Not only this, he sent his Foreign Minister Musa Zameer to New Delhi last week. After this, India again did a big favor to Maldives by providing assistance of 50 million dollars. Due to this, his Foreign Minister Musa Zamir never gets tired of praising India. But the question remains whether this will again change the conscience of Muizzu towards India which has become subservient to China?

Well, only time will tell what will be the attitude of Muizzu in the coming times. But as always, India has proved the spirit of neighborhood first by generously helping Maldives. Maldivian Foreign Minister Musa Zameer wrote on his ex-post that "I thank External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar and the Government of India for providing significant budgetary support to the Maldives with the rollover of the US$ 50 million treasury bill. This A true gesture of goodwill between the two countries which symbolizes the long-term friendship between Maldives and India."

Maldives Foreign Ministry issued notification

Maldives Foreign Minister Musa Jamir has also shared the notification of his Foreign Ministry, which has been issued on its website. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Maldives has written that the Government of India has today provided budget assistance of US $ 50 million to Maldives. This assistance has been provided through State Bank of India Male from 13 May 2024. Under this, assistance has been provided for an additional year in the form of rollover of treasury bills of US$ 50 million.

Maldives thanked India

This decision to rollover the treasury bill was taken by the Government of India when Foreign Minister Musa Zameer was on an official bilateral visit to India from 8-10 May 2024 and during that time he met the Foreign Minister of India, Dr. S. Jaishankar was requested about this. The Government of Maldives highly appreciates the generous support that the Government of India is providing to Maldives in the form of budgetary assistance. With this assistance from the Government of India, a large number of infrastructure development projects and high impact community development projects are underway in Maldives. It also includes a significant share from India in the form of grant aid. The Government of Maldives looks forward to continuing this collaborative partnership for the mutual benefit and prosperity of our people.