Ismail Haniyeh / Iran made a sensational claim on Haniyeh's death, dragged America's name

Different claims are being made on the death of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh. Hamas claims that Israel carried out this incident. Some are also claiming that Iran itself is involved in it. But now it seems that Iran is dragging America to remove the stain on itself. Iran's Intelligence Minister Ismail Khatib said that America is behind Haniya's death. Haniya was killed only after the US gave the green signal.

Vikrant Shekhawat : Aug 03, 2024, 03:49 PM
Ismail Haniyeh: Different claims are being made on the death of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh. Hamas claims that Israel carried out this incident. Some are also claiming that Iran itself is involved in it. But now it seems that Iran is dragging America to remove the stain on itself. Iran's Intelligence Minister Ismail Khatib said that America is behind Haniya's death. Haniya was killed only after the US gave the green signal.

This statement has come in a letter written by Esmail Khatib to Haniya's family, Hamas and the Palestinian people about the murder. He said that Haniya was killed by Israel "with the consent of America. At the same time, after the murder, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in a statement, the country will definitely take revenge for the blood of our guest Haniya. We understand our duty". He has claimed Israel to be behind this entire incident.

US's big claim on Haniya's death

On Haniya's death, America had claimed that her death was due to an explosion. The explosive device was hidden in the guest house where Haniya was going to stay two months before the incident. America has also claimed that when Haniya reached his VVIP building, it was blasted with the help of a remote.

Afghan-Taliban commander has made a new claim. The question has been raised that the murder of Haniya in a very secure area of ​​​​Tehran is not possible without the help of Iran. Afghan-Taliban has directly accused Khamenei of the murder. It is also claimed that Pakistan's Army Chief may have a hand in this.

America increased force in the Middle East

After Israel was accused of Haniya's murder, the risk of a direct war between Israel and Iran has increased. Meanwhile, America has decided to deploy its additional fighter planes and naval warships in the Middle East. This information has been given by America itself. The Pentagon said that Washington wants to strengthen itself against the threats from Iran and its allies, Hamas and Hezbollah.

The US Defense Secretary has also approved sending additional Navy forces to the Middle East and Europe. The US has decided to deploy warships that can shoot down ballistic missiles in the air. The US also said that it is doing this to further enhance Israel's security.