- India,
- 31-May-2021 08:08 PM IST
New Delhi: Even though the second wave of Coronavirus has weakened in the country, the threat has not been postponed. After Corona, Black (Mucormycosis), White and Yellow Fungus are preying on corona patients. In such a situation, we are going to tell you which people are most at risk of black, white and yellow fungus.How dangerous is black fungusBlack fungus is present in the air. In the case of weak immunity, the passages of the nose and mouth enter the body, stick to the mucus of the mouth and nose and start growing rapidly. So they mostly affect the mouth, nose, eyes, brain and lungs.Diabetes patientsThe risk of any type of fungal infection is highest in those who have high blood pressure and diabetes. According to a report in Times of India, diabetes patients have high levels of glucose in their body, due to which the risk of fungal infection increases. Such people easily fall prey to this disease.Patients recovered from coronaPatients recovering from corona have a risk of black fungus until about 6 weeks later. Actually, the corona virus directly affects the patient's immune system. Even after recovering from the corona, its immunity is weak for at least 6 weeks. In such a situation, people who have recovered from Corona need to be more vigilant.Kidney patientsThe immune system of kidney patients becomes weak. In this case, germs enter the body easily. Weak kidneys can also interfere with the function of some important immune-nutrients for the body. The fungus can spread rapidly in the body of such patients.Which people are more at risk of black fungusIn addition, corona patients who remain in the ICU for a long time and who were given too much oxygen. Those who have been given a high dose of steroids. Or those people who are taking medicines on their own without medical advice, there is a high risk of black fungus in those people.