Coronavirus / Kuwait has canceled all the direct commercial flights coming from India to the next order

Kuwait (Kuwait) has canceled all the direct commercial flights coming from India to the next order. This step has been taken after the instructions of health officials. Directorate General Of Civil Aviation, Directorate General of Kuwait, said that all the direct commercial flights coming from India from April 24 have been suspended at the moment.

Dubai: Kuwait (Kuwait) has canceled all the direct commercial flights coming from India to the next order. This step has been taken after the instructions of health officials.

Those who come from India do not enter

Directorate General Of Civil Aviation, Directorate General of Kuwait, said that all the direct commercial flights coming from India from April 24 have been suspended at the moment. The Directorate of Directorate said that 'the entry of all the passengers coming directly from India or the entry of all the passengers coming from any other country has not spent at least 14 days outside India.

These people will get permission

However, Kuwait's residents, their close relative and their workers will be given the permission to enter the country. Tweet says that Cargo Flights will continue to operate. Earlier, UK, UAE and Canada have announced to ban flights from India.