- India,
- 06-Sep-2019 02:35 PM IST
Challans of Rs 1.41 crores were deducted in Haryana and Odisha in just four days of the enactment of the Protection of Motor Vehicles Act. Officials gave this information on Thursday.According to the Odisha Motor vehicle department, 4080 challans were cut in four days. They collected a total fine of Rs 88.90 lakh. A Road Transport and Highways official said 46 vehicles have also been seized. On the other hand, 343 challans of traffic violators were cut in Haryana. They collected a fine of Rs 52.32 lakh.On the very first day of the new law coming into force, 3900 challans were cut in Delhi. The Bengaluru Traffic Police collected Rs 30 lakh in one day from the fine on Wednesday. 15 lakh in the case of driving without helmet vehicle and Rs 11 lakh fine for not wearing helmet on the back seat. 18 people were caught driving drunk. More than 1.20 lakh rupees were levied out of 141 lengans caught without seat belts.Online sales of auto insurance doubledAfter the implementation of the new traffic rules, the documents of people have started getting the documents completed. According to the insurance web aggregator policy market, online vehicle insurance sales have more than doubled after the new rules came into force. 90% of the new buyers are people who had lost their insurance. Two-wheeler and four-wheeler insurance sales have doubled from the policy market website. Tarun Mathur, Chief Business Officer (General Insurance), Policy Bazaar, said, “Since the new rules come into force, we are selling 30 thousand vehicles of insurance every day. This is usually double the number of policies sold daily. The biggest contributor to this is the renewal of the Laps Plan.70% two wheeler without insuranceAccording to an estimate there are 19 crore registered vehicles in the country. However, the number of vehicles with insurance is only 8.26 crore. That is, more than half of the vehicles are running without insurance. 70% of two-wheeler's are not insured. The number of four Wheeler's without insurance is 30%.