विक्रांत सिंह शेखावत
- भारत,
- 13-Apr-2023,
- (अपडेटेड 13-Apr-2023 08:53 PM IST)
UGC NET Result 2023: The result of UGC NET exam to be held to become Assistant Professor in University and College has been released. The result of the examination conducted for December 2021 and June 2022 cycle has been released by the National Testing Agency. Candidates who appeared in this examination can check the result by visiting the official website ugcnet.nta.nic.in or ntaresult.nic.in.UGC NET 2023 exam was conducted this time in 5 different phases. This year the exam was conducted for a total of 83 subjects. Candidates who appeared in the exam can check the result from the steps given below.Check UGC NET Result like thisTo check the result, first go to the official website ugcnet.nta.nic.in.Go to the Latest News option on the home page of the website.Click on the link of Check Result on the next page.After this login with Application Number or DOB.Result will open after login.After checking the result, take a print out.UGC NET Result 2023 Declared Check here from direct link.The results of all five stages and subjects of UGC NET have been declared simultaneously on the official website ugcnet.nta.nic.in. Let us tell you that no window is provided by the National Testing Agency to apply for re-checking or revaluation of UGC NET results.Answer Key Already ReleasedNTA has released the final answer key of UGC NET on 7th April 2023 itself. Held in five phases between February 21 and March 16, 83 subjects were included in this examination. Whereas, a total of 8,34,537 candidates appeared for the exam. The minimum UGC NET 2023 qualifying marks for general category is 40%, while for reserved category is 35%.