India / Which cities have been awarded 5-Star rating among garbage free cities?

Six cities have been awarded the 5-Star rating in 'Garbage Free Cities Rating' by the government. The cities include Ambikapur, Rajkot, Surat, Mysuru, Indore and Navi Mumbai. The Star Rating Protocol was launched by the government in January 2018 to institutionalise a mechanism for cities to achieve Garbage Free status and to motivate cities to achieve higher degrees of cleanliness.

New Delhi: The cleanest city of India, Indore has again made it to the six urban bodies which have been awarded five star rating in Garbage Fee Cities Rating, which is one of the four important components of Swachh Survekshan-2020.

Following Navi Mumbai from Maharashtra, Ambikapur from Chhattishgarh, Rajkot from Gujarat, Surat from Gujarat and Mysore from Karnataka, Indore, wearing hat trick crown of cleanest city of India, is the only city from Madhya Pradesh to make it in the top six cities in the country in Garbage Fee Cities Rating.

The cities include Vijayawada, Trupati, Chandigarh, New Delhi, Gandhinagar, Ahemdabad, Karnal, Bhopal, Ujjain, Khargone, Katni, Bhurhanpur, Chhindawar, Singrauli, Thane, Shridi and Jalgaon were among the 65 cities accredited '3-Star' title.

Last year also it had figured into the list of three cities which were awarded five-star ranking. But no city could meet the standards set for seven-star rating.

Swachh Survekshan-202 consists of 600 marks. Ministry of Urban Affairs and Housing derived four parameters- Citizen Feedback, Direct Observation, Service Level Progress and Certification - for adjudging cleanliness and hygiene level of urban bodies.

Each parameter consists of 1500 marks each. Certification parameter consisted GFC certificate which carried 1000 marks and ODF certificate which carried 500 marks.

While Indore had already clinched 100 marks getting ODF++ certificate, it has made its position stronger in race towards cleanest city tag for the fourth time by clinching five-star rating in GFC.