Viral News / White underwear is being worn in the soil here, it is interesting because

A strange experiment has come out from Switzerland, there are about two thousand white underwear in the soil and it is being done under the supervision of all the scientists. According to a report of 'The Times Dot UK', the farmers and gardens in Switzerland are trying to produce white underwear for a research related to the quality of the soil.

A strange experiment has come out from Switzerland, there are about two thousand white underwear in the soil and it is being done under the supervision of all the scientists. According to a report of 'The Times Dot UK', the farmers and gardens in Switzerland are trying to produce white underwear for a research related to the quality of the soil. Ceramic health is being detected through it.

According to the report, the State Research Institute, Agroscope is sending white underwear to the volunteers involved in this study. Later these kutches will be examined and it will be seen that the small creatures have destroyed them.

Martily Hayden, head of the economist and this project, said that such use has been done in Canada, but it has not happened at this level. It is already known that T-Bags can be traced in the ground and the soil health can be detected.

Farmers and garden owners, who are involved in this experiment of Agroscope, will also make T-bags in the soil so that they can be compared. In order to test the reliability of underwear, they will later take the soil samples with them.

Under the experiment, these underwear will be stammered under the grassland, farm and tree-plants. First of all, an underwear will be extracted from the soil and its picture will be drawn. One month later the second underwear will be removed.

Analysis of getting underwear out of the soil will be digitally analyzed to meet its natural fibers. If there will be higher holes in underwear then it means the soil is healthy. Its final report will also be issued how this experiment works.