India's ointment on the painof neighboring country / 40000 tonnes of rice left for Sri Lanka, food crisis will be over soon

Neighboring Sri Lanka has been facing inflation and severe economic crisis for some time now. The crisis of bankruptcy has arisen on the neighboring country, which is almost exhausted of foreign exchange reserves and the debt-ridden country of many countries. Many countries have come forward to get Sri Lanka out of this crisis but India is playing the most role in it.

Neighboring Sri Lanka has been facing inflation and severe economic crisis for some time now. The crisis of bankruptcy has arisen on the neighboring country, which is almost exhausted of foreign exchange reserves and the debt-ridden country of many countries. Many countries have come forward to get Sri Lanka out of this crisis but India is playing the most role in it. To end hunger, India has supplied 40000 tonnes of rice to Sri Lanka. The great relief is that rice is being supplied ahead of a major festival in Sri Lanka. It is expected that this help from India will give some relief to Sri Lanka.

Emergency imposed in Sri Lanka

Due to the severe economic crisis and massive protests in Sri Lanka, a state of emergency has been imposed across the country. In view of the violence and protests, the President has announced curfew across the country.

Inflation at peak in Sri Lanka

There were two kilometer long lines for fuel at the petrol pump. Food items have become so expensive that people are forced to sleep hungry. Alam is that milk is being sold more expensive than petrol. The cost of a cup of tea has gone up to Rs.100. Chilli is selling at Rs 700 a kg. One had to pay up to Rs 200 for one kg of potatoes. The shortage of flue has also affected the power generation. Now many cities are facing power cuts for 12 to 15 hours. In such a situation, India has given one billion dollars to Sri Lanka immediately.