Viral News / A dangerous culture among many YouTubers who make videos ... torture, rape and murder

There is a dangerous culture flourishing between many Utubhers who create video in Russia. In these videos, many people torture other people, atrocities on them, abuse crime and even kill them. The administration of Russia is trying to eliminate this culture and the police is constantly taking measures that such utubers can be tracked

There is a dangerous culture flourishing between many Utubhers who create video in Russia. In these videos, many people torture other people, atrocities on them, abuse crime and even kill them. The administration of Russia is trying to eliminate this culture and the police is constantly taking measures that such utubers can be tracked. Apart from this, many Russian politicians are also in favor of banned such utubers.

In December 2020, a Russia's Youtubar had accused Stase Rifeli that he had killed his girlfriend. Stase has alleged that he had stopped his girlfriend in the cold without clothes in the balcony, after which he had died. Stase was all this for your YouTube Audians and this whole event was getting live stream on YouTube.

This culture has become so dangerous that in the last few months a pregnant woman has been killed. Apart from this, a homeless person in such a trash stream was burned while streaming a live stream, the head of a woman was constantly hit on a table. In the same month, some Wloggers had alleged that after entering a woman's apartment, it drug and streamed the rape with the woman.

Significantly, YouTube blocks such a disgraced content and live stream but sometimes some utubers are successful in crossing the block and sensor. Many times YouTube blocks them even after the release of such videos. Although these content creators bring these videos between their fans and followers through a telegram app.

Although there is another inception of this culture too. Many times in these trash stream videos, such people are also known to be able to earn money by embarrassing themselves in front of the camera. One such person is Valentine Gancheyev. Gancheva can be seen in many videos that he is being buried, hit and being beaten with him.

However, when the police examined this matter, they came to know that these people were deliberately involved in such experiments because their videos were very popular and they got a chance to earn money through it. Many people are trying to earn money by becoming a part of Vedios due to the Corona virus epidemic.