Ayushi Vatsa
- India,
- 27-Aug-2021,
A 25-year-old Salman Mirza from Fatehwadi, Ahmedabad died after having an intimate relationship with his girlfriend. According to the reports Mirza took his girlfriend to a motel where they consumed drugs and after a while, they got intimated. The couple were not carrying condoms, so they decided to use something else. The couple drunkenly mixed epoxy glue with "Whitener" and applied the mixture to the privates. Unfortunately, this jugaad proved to be dangerous for the young man and his condition deteriorated while making a relationship.
The next day, Mirza’s friend Firoz Sheikh found him lying unconsciously behind the bushes, the family rushed to the hospital where he died during the treatment.
According to the police report, Mirza's "multiple organs stopped functioning and she died" due to the Jugadu contraceptive. Meanwhile, the friends of the deceased suspect that he may have lost consciousness while abusing the chemical and the fake condom became fatal for him. According to the report, this adhesive substance was very dangerous which is used with whitener.
The police are questioning people, at the moment case has been registered under accidental death.