- India,
- 12-Mar-2022 12:37 PM IST
The Haryana Transport Department has dealt a big blow to thousands of retired roadways employees. The department has banned their free bus travel. This time the pass given to the retired personnel is written Not for Free Traveling. Which is strongly opposed by the employees' unions of Roadways. They have demanded restoration of the old facility.The government has given the facility of free and subsidized travel in roadways buses to about 43 categories. Retired employees of roadways were also included in this, but under the latest order, they have now been excluded. The free travel facility has been abolished in the new pass issued by the depot general managers.On this, the Provincial President of Roadways Employees Ekta Union Balwan Singh Dodwa, Senior State Vice President Suresh Lather, General Secretary Sanjay Gulati, Deputy Secretary General Vimal Sharma Gyeong, Cashier Ashok Kumar, Auditor Chandrabhan Solanki and Chairman Gurdeep Singh said that the department is doing injustice to the retired employees. .Taking away the facility of free travel after retirement from the workers after serving for 35 to 40 years in roadways is not the right decision. Roadways employees will not tolerate this decision under any circumstances. There is a demand of the union that if the facility of free travel is to be abolished, then do it for all 43 categories.The union has appealed to all the inspectors and drivers and operators not to implement the decision of the government. Continuing the free facility as before, paying respect to every retired employee who travels in the bus. All the retired employees of roadways should agitate unitedly against it. The working staff will give their full support.