- India,
- 06-Oct-2021 06:54 AM IST
New Delhi : The broom with which Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi cleaned her room in the guest house was provided by her staff. When Priyanka asked for a broom, the staff took it from an employee of the guest house. Officials believe that the video of Priyanka sweeping the broom was made by her PSO. There has been an uproar since this video went viral. After the video went viral, the officers have also started an investigation as to who brought the broom to Priyanka in the guest house under what circumstances. That too when this room was completely sanitized even before they were brought there with AC. The question also arose as to where did the dust come from in the room after completing the VVIP protocol.Priyanka Gandhi, who was detained on her way to Lakhimpur, was taken to a guest house in the PAC II Corps premises in Sitapur. Here, as soon as the video of him sweeping the broom went viral, questions started arising on the security system. Several officers, including the General, Deputy General of the PAC, questioned the employees posted in the guest house and a report has been prepared.The commander said - the staff had asked for a broomGeneral Yadvendra Singh of Second Corps PAC told that Priyanka Gandhi's staff had asked for a broom. Said that madam has to clean. On this the employee there gave him a broom. Only after this the video went viral. The same thing has come to the fore in the investigation so far.Before Priyanka arrived, cleaning was done, also wipedThis guest house built in the PAC complex has four rooms. Two sweepers are deployed for cleaning. These people clean here daily. Apart from a follower, the Diwan is posted for monitoring the cleanliness system. No matter how many days the rooms are closed, broom-mopping is done daily. Even before reaching the room where Priyanka Gandhi was stopped, the sweeper had cleaned and wiped it too. The commander says that daily cleaning is done from the main gate to the inside as well.protocol complianceSDM Sadar Pyarelal Maurya says that the protocol of VVIP has been fully followed. According to the protocol itself, where VVIPs are kept, arrangements for refreshments, electricity and food are made along with cleanliness. The doctor is also kept in touch. All these facilities are available in this guest house of PAC. At the same time, SP RP Singh of Sitapur says that the guest house had all kinds of facilities from security.