In the UK, only 11-year-old girl has become a child's mother. You must be feeling strange to hear it but it is completely true. It is now believed that the girl has become the youngest mother of Britain. According to the Sun report, before giving birth to the child in the beginning of this month, the child had become pregnant at the age of ten. The child gave birth to the child more than 30 weeks of pregnant. Both 11-year-old mother and child are healthy.Surprisingly, there was no information about the child's family to be pregnant and they came to know when the girl gave birth to a child. Now the head of the social institution and the service council is investigating this matter.A source who knows the child's family claimed, "It has come to the family as a big shock. Now the child is under the supervision of experts and the main thing is that both mother and child are fine. "Such cases in the UK are constantly coming out, which is also disturbed. People have told it a very worrisome situation. In the UK, this was a child named Teresa Middleton at the earlier, which was only 12 years old. He gave birth to the child in 2006.Talking to the Sun, Doctor Carol Cooper said, "This is the youngest mother about which I have heard." The average age on which a girl's puberty state starts 11 years. Although it can be between 8 to 14 or less. Weight affects many hormones. The doctor said since now the weight of children is more, their puberty stage also comes quick.He said, "In the children who became mother at a young age, pre-eclampsia, the risk of premature delivery and many infections is high." This happens with one of the 2,500 born children.In the UK 2014, a child was born, whose mother was 12 years old and the father was 13 years old. These added were the youngest parents in the UK.