Viral News / How Chinese scientists were preparing deadly virus in the lab, video surfaced

Controversy continues over the leak of the corona virus from China's Wuhan lab. Meanwhile, a video of a New York-based NGO chief working with Wuhan Lab has surfaced, in which he is explaining how the work was going on regarding the corona virus. The video shows that a virus like corona virus was prepared in Wuhan's lab which was lethal.

Vikrant Shekhawat : Jun 09, 2021, 04:20 PM
Controversy continues over the leak of the corona virus from China's Wuhan lab. Meanwhile, a video of a New York-based NGO chief working with Wuhan Lab has surfaced, in which he is explaining how the work was going on regarding the corona virus. The video shows that a virus like corona virus was prepared in Wuhan's lab which was lethal. In fact, Peter Daszak, head of New York-based non-profit organization (NGO) Eco-Health Alliance, has come under fire after a video surfaced. The Ecohealth Alliance is the same organization that was conducting research on 'gain of function' in collaboration with China's Wuhan Institute of Virology. The organization was funded by the US government's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which is headed by US President Joe Biden's top adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci.

In a video clip released by The National Pulse, Peter Daszak, head of the Eco-Health Alliance, can be seen boasting about the "work" of his colleagues during research into the coronavirus in China.

According to US media reports, Peter Daszak has admitted to working with the Wuhan lab in the program organized on the topic 'Emerging Infectious Disease and Next Pandemic', while Dr. Fauci has repeatedly denied funding 'gain-of-function' research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

A research done in the medical field is called 'gain-of-function'. It is associated with research on viruses. Its purpose is to create viruses with new properties that are more pathogenic or infectious to humans. In other words, gain-of-function research involves making changes to pathogens that make them more infectious. Its purpose is to know what kind of mutants it can have.

Explaining the sequencing of the virus in the video, Peter Daszak explained the process of inserting the spike protein into the virus which his colleagues did in China. The aim was to see if it binds to human cells.

Peter Daszak said, 'When you know the sequencing of a virus and that looks like a nasty pathogen... as we did with SARS.' He told, 'We found corona virus in bats which looked exactly like SARS. Therefore we sequenced the spike protein. Protein is attached to the cell. Then we… I did not do this work, but my colleagues in China did this work. You create pseudoparticles, you put spike proteins from those viruses, see if they attach to human cells. With every step you get closer and closer to this virus, it can actually become pathogenic in people. Peter Daszak said that when you do all this with a small virus, it becomes deadly.

After this video of Peter Daszak surfaced, Dr. The question about Fauci's claims has gotten bigger. The question is whether the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Dr. Fauchi had deep economic ties with the Wuhan Institute of Virology? The Eco-Health Alliance, an organization led by Peter Daszak, was one of the funders of the Chinese lab.

Actually, Dr. Former US President Donald Trump's party Republicans raised questions about the email conversation between Fauci and Peter Daszak. Dr. Fauci has been denying the theory of corona leaking from the lab. Peter Daszak, who has worked with the Wuhan Lab, supported Dr. Thanks to Fauchi.

Speaking to CNN last week when the question arose, Dr Fauchi said there was nothing wrong with having an email conversation with the head of the Eco Health Alliance, which funded research at the Wuhan-based Disease Institute. The National Institutes of Health, the US public health agency, gave a grant of about $600,000 to the Wuhan Institute of Virology through the Eco-Health Alliance between 2014 and 2019. Its purpose was to research the corona virus of bats.

Peter Daszak is also named as a co-author in dozens of published research papers by Xi Zhengali, director of the Wuhan-based Lab Center of Emerging Infectious Diseases. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the National Institute of America are also among the grantees to this lab in Wuhan. It is being told that in March this year, these names were secretly removed.