World / Hundreds of people protesting against military coup in Myanmar were killed, 169 dead

In Myanmar, 'Armed Forces Day' proved to be frightening for many demonstrators. Hundreds of people are hit against the military coup since last month. According to the report of Myanmar Now, 169 protests have been killed in 50 cities and towns on the day of Armed Foresed Day.

In Myanmar, 'Armed Forces Day' proved to be frightening for many demonstrators. Hundreds of people are hit against the military coup since last month. According to the report of Myanmar Now, 169 protests have been killed in 50 cities and towns on the day of Armed Foresed Day. According to the report, despite the warning of army on the occasion of Armed Forces Day, many demonstrators had landed on the streets. After raining bullets on these protesters, military chief min Angan Ling and his generals also have a grand party at night

In many reports it has also revealed that when the exhibition was being done, the army tried to interfere in it and the army also threw the grenades along with the open firing. Although there is no news of any casualties during this time. Despite the violent action of the same army, there is no connection to protesters in Myanmar.

People who are killed in Myanmar also include a 20-year nurse which was working with the RESS team. Apart from this, there are many people who are working on a footballer, doctor, women's rights, a policeman and a tour guide that has been confirmed to be killed.

This nurse named Thinar Hen was shot in the head. He was helping the remaining injured protesters in the city during that time. A footage of thinar is also getting viral in which he was speaking to the people of Moniva and the government employees were requesting to join this movement.

Apart from this, 21-year-old Police Officer Cheat Lin was also included in Protest. On March 4, Lin had received the order to shoot to kill, but Lin had resigned from his job saying that his brother may also be involved in these demonstrations.

In a conversation with Myanmar Now, this police officer had said that 'my brother may join these demonstrations. These people have not done anything wrong and I can not run bullets on innocent. ' After leaving Lin's job, these demonstrations were joined and they have also died in the army violent action on Saturday.

Members of Women for Justice Rights Group also had shot in the chest during demonstration in the field of Myanmar. Many activists had said that Selina was always able to participate in the fight against non-equal and injustice and she was a very brave woman.

Apart from this, there are 11 years old girl in those who die. According to the reports, they are the youngest girl who died in the attacks on Saturday. This girl has been buried with her favorite toys and color books. Let me tell that after the military coup in Myanmar, Saturday i.e. 27th day has proved to be the most violent for demonstrators. Since these demonstrations started in February this year, more than 400 people have been killed so far.

In Myanmar, there are sharp reactions from the world about the army action. UK Foreign Minister Dominic Rab has described it a new level of decline, the same United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Gautesh has said that he has a deep shock with violence in Myanmar. The Foreign Minister of Germany said that he will not bear the killings being taken by the army at any cost. Apart from this, the President of America, which Biden has also described these attacks.

Let us tell that America, Japan and Australia are involved in countries who have criticized Myanmar, but China and Russia are not included in the criticism of Myanmar. According to the reports, more than three thousand people have also run Thailand after the attack made by the army.