kargil / Intelligence inputs warns of a possible terror attack during the festive season

The Intelligence inputs have warned of a possible terror attack during the festive season mostly from the Line of Control (LoC) in Keran, Uri and adjoining sectors. “There are alerts ahead of festivals where the probability of terror attacks is higher. There is a general alert along the border. This is going to continue till the festive season as they may try to do something,” an official Army source said.

Intelligence inputs have warned of a possible terror attack during the festive season, official sources said on Monday. Army sources said there were strong inputs of major infiltration attempts along the Line of Control (LoC) in the next three or four days.

“There are alerts ahead of festivals where the probability of terror attacks is higher. There is a general alert along the border. This is going to continue till the festive season as they may try to do something,” an official source said.

Referring to the recent developments in J&K and Pakistan’s attempts to draw global attention, sources said Pakistan-based terror groups might try to do something after the United Nations General Assembly and the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) meeting in mid-October or after the FATF decision.

The J&K police chief has said 60 foreign terrorists have infiltrated from across the border, to which Army sources said according to their assessment, there has been 10 to 12 infiltrations across the LoC. “There are strong inputs that there will be three or four infiltration attempts in the next three or four days mostly from the LoC in Keran, Uri and adjoining sectors,” an Army source said.

Going by the Army’s assessment, 450 to 500 terrorists are prepared to infiltrate at launchpads and various camps. “There are strong inputs that there will be major infiltration attempts in the next three or four days mostly along the Line of Control,” a source said.

60-odd camps

On the statement of the Chief of the Army Staff, General Bipin Rawat, that there are some 500 terrorists waiting to infiltrate, Army sources said it was the overall number along the border at launchpads and training camps. Two or three weeks ago, 60-odd camps were there across the border with some 250 terrorists waiting to cross, the source added.