Parliament Session / Is this a coincidence or an experiment... Hindus will have to think, PM Modi attacks Rahul's statement

Vikrant Shekhawat : Jul 02, 2024, 08:16 PM
Parliament Session: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday presented his views in the Lok Sabha during the discussion on the motion of thanks on the President's address. Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi on Monday made sharp attacks on the BJP on the pretext of Hindutva. He called the people of the BJP violent Hindus. He put the RSS in the dock. PM Modi countered Rahul's statement and said that it has become a fashion to insult Hindu tradition, Hindu society, the heritage of the country, to abuse it and to make fun of Hindus. Seeing yesterday's scenes in the House, now the Hindu society will also have to think whether this insult is just a coincidence or is it a preparation for an experiment.

PM Modi said that an attempt has been made to insult our deities and hurt the hearts of 140 crore people of the country. This kind of playing with the forms of God for personal political gain…how can the country forgive this. Today I want to draw your and the countrymen's attention to a serious issue. What happened yesterday, crores of citizens of the country will not forgive for centuries.

131 years ago Vivekananda ji had said in Chicago

The PM said that 131 years ago Swami Vivekananda ji had said in Chicago that I am proud that I come from a religion that has taught the whole world tolerance and global acceptance. Vivekananda ji had said in Chicago in front of the world's great men for Hinduism. It is because of Hindus that India's diversity has flourished and is flourishing.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that it is a serious matter that today there is a conspiracy to falsely accuse Hindus, a serious conspiracy is being hatched. It is being said that Hindus are violent. This is your sanskar, your character, your thinking, your hatred. These deeds with the Hindus of the country. The country is not going to forget this for centuries.

Their entire ecosystem is degrading the Hindu tradition

He said that a few days ago the destruction of the idea of ​​power that Hindus have was imagined. This country has been a worshipper of power for centuries. This Bengal worships Maa Durga, Maa Kali, worships and worships. You talk about the destruction of that power. These are the people who tried to coin the term Hindu terrorism.

Taking a dig at Rahul, PM Modi said that if his colleagues compare Hinduism with words like dengue, malaria, this country will never forgive them. Under a well-planned conspiracy, their entire ecosystem has made it a fashion to belittle, insult and mock Hindu traditions. We have been learning since childhood that whether it is a villager, a cityr, a rich or a poor, every form of God is meant for darshan.

Is this insult a coincidence or a preparation for a big experiment?

The PM said, no form of God is for personal gain, or for display. Those who are visible, are not displayed. The insult of our gods and goddesses is hurting the hearts of 140 crore countrymen. This kind of playing with the forms of God for personal political gain. After seeing yesterday's scene in the House, now the Hindu society will have to think whether this insult is a coincidence or a preparation for a big experiment.

Earlier in the Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi had shown a picture of Lord Shiva in the House at the beginning of his speech on Monday. He had said, we all were in the refuge of Lord Shiva. This helped us to fight such people. Rahul said that Shiva had drunk poison and he became Neelkanth, from there we learned and drank many poisons. During this, Rahul fiercely targeted BJP and RSS.

Those who call themselves Hindus talk about violence 24 hours a day

He had said, it is told in Islam that the Prophet says that God is with us, so do not be afraid. Guru Nanak Ji of Sikhism also has the same message. Rahul showed a picture of Lord Shiva and said that Shiva says to be afraid and do not be afraid. He said that Shiva gives this message, but those who call themselves Hindus talk about violence 24 hours a day. You (BJP) are not Hindus. During this, Rahul fiercely targeted BJP and RSS.

Ruling party members created a ruckus over Rahul Gandhi's statement. After this, Prime Minister Narendra Modi stood up and said, 'This issue is very serious, calling the entire Hindu society violent is a serious issue.' After this comment of PM Modi, Rahul Gandhi said, 'Narendra Modi ji is not the entire Hindu society. BJP is not the entire Hindu society. RSS is not the entire Hindu society.'