Makar Sankranti 2022 / Makar Sankranti on January 14 or on 15? Know the best date, bath, donation time from the famous Panchag

The festival date of Pauma Sankranti is the date date. On the date of Makar Sankranti, the movement of the Sun gets spoiled. When Sun enters Capricorn outside Sagittarius, it is called Makar Sankranti. This time the transit time of Sun in Capricorn is different in two Panchagas. In the Panchang of Banaras, the transit of Sun in Capricorn has been fixed in the night,

The festival date of Pauma Sankranti is the date date. On the date of Makar Sankranti, the movement of the Sun gets spoiled. When Sun enters Capricorn outside Sagittarius, it is called Makar Sankranti. This time the transit time of Sun in Capricorn is different in two Panchagas. In the Panchang of Banaras, the transit of Sun in Capricorn has been fixed in the night, the transit time of the Sun in the Panchang and Mars Panchang will be on January 14. From Scientific Astrology Dr. Avived Misri to Mothers in the famous Panchag Date of Makar Sankranti, Punya-Dan, Punya Kaal and Maha Punya Kaal Muhurta...

14th date

Astrology Mixed Panchang, Brajbhoomi and Mars transit of Sun in Panchang, 14 Monika at 2:13 am. Doctor Mishra said that the Sun in Capricorn is already before the Sun because the date for Makar Sankranti is only 14.

Makar Sankranti Muhurta

Astrology Avyavadi Mishri has given Muhurta Chintya Manibandh the quality of Makar Sankranti Kaal Muhurta is 16 hours before the Sun's Sankranti time and 16 Ghati's Punyakal. This time the working hours were starting from 7:15 in the morning at 14, till 5.44 in Shem. Movie gifts, donations, chanting can be done. Chaotic or re-arranged or re-Chakravyuha later from 1:32 to 3.28.

Makar Sankranti Puja Method

The holy bath of Makar Sankranti has special significance. It's safe at this time. Therefore, take a bath in the auspicious time of Makar Sankranti. In the water, first take salt, mold and Ganges water in the water. Put on water clothes and fill up with water. Take hello sesame, jaggery, red sandalwood, red flowers, akshat (rice) in this water. Then chant the mantras of Sun God. After worshiping the Sun God, grace the Sun.