Rajasthan / Now EWS certificate will be valid for 3 years

The Rajasthan government has given a big relief to the candidates belonging to the Economically Weaker Income Group (EWS) category. Candidates whose EWS certificate has expired, they no longer need to generate a new certificate. Such candidates will be able to give an affidavit of income along with the old certificate and the same will be considered valid.

The Rajasthan government has given a big relief to the candidates belonging to the Economically Weaker Income Group (EWS) category. Candidates whose EWS certificate has expired, they no longer need to generate a new certificate. Such candidates will be able to give an affidavit of income along with the old certificate and the same will be considered valid.

Candidates can use their certificate for a maximum period of 3 years. Issuing the order on Friday, the Social Justice and Empowerment Department has also issued the format of the affidavit of income certificate. The affidavit in this format will be attested by the applicant under his own signature and can be attached with the copy of the certificate.

Most problem is coming in reet recruitment

Right now, in all the districts of the state including Jaipur, there is a problem due to technical fault in the portal for making EWS certificate. Here, the application process for REIT Recruitment 2022 is going on and the load on the server was high due to the running of the National Food Security (NFSA) application process. Due to this, the SDM had to issue the certificate offline instead of online. EWS certificate is mandatory in the application for REET recruitment exam. Apart from this, the candidates who have been selected in Level-1 of REET Recruitment 2021 are also required to produce the certificate.

Every year in April a new certificate has to be made

The government issues the certificate of EWS for one year. This validity ends on 31 March every year. The certificate is not valid from April 1 and a new certificate has to be made. In such a situation, after this order, people will not have to make repeated rounds of offices every year. Once the certificate is generated, there will be no need to make a new certificate for the next 3 years.