Jobs / ONGC Recruitment 2019 – Apply Online for 4014 Apprentice Vacancies

Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) has published the applications for the recruitment of Apprentice vacancies. Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details can apply for same posts. Qualification required is Bachelors Degree, ITI, Diploma (Relevant Engineering Discipline). The interested candidates can apply online from 14-03-2019.

Name of the Post: ONGC Ltd Apprentice Posts 2019

Post Date: 14-03-2019

Total Vacancy: 4014

Information: Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) has published the applications for the recruitment of Apprentice vacancies. Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details can apply for same posts. Qualification required is Bachelors Degree, ITI, Diploma (Relevant Engineering Discipline). The interested candidates can apply online from 14-03-2019.

Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC)

Apprentice Vacancies 2019

Important Dates

  • Starting Date to Apply Online: 14-03-2019
  • Last Date to Apply Online: 28-03-2019 by 17:00 hrs
  • Tentative date of Result/ Selection: 01-04-2019
  • Date of Document Verification: 08 to 12-04-2019
  • Date of Joining of Candidates: 15-04-2019

Age Limit (as on 28-03-2019)


Category & Maximum/ Minimum Age


OBC- Non Creamy



Maximum 24 years
Minimum 18 years

Maximum 27 years
Minimum 18 years

Maximum 29 years
Minimum 18 years

  • Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.


Sl No

Trade/ Discipline


1AccountantBachelors Degree (Commerce)
2Assistant (Human Resource)B.A/ B.B.A
3Secretarial AssistantITI in Secretarial Assistant trade
4Computer Operator & Programming Asst (COPA)ITI in COPA Trade
5Draughtsman (Civil)ITI in Draughtsman (Civil) Trade
6ElectricianITI in Electrician Trade
7Electronics MechanicITI in Electronics Mechanic
8FitterITI in Fitter
9Instrument MechanicITI in Instrument Mechanic
10Information & Communication Technology System MaintenanceITI in Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance
11Laboratory Assistant (Chemical Plant)B.Sc with PCM or PCB
ITI in Lab. Asst (Chemical Plant) trade
12MachinistITI in Machinist Trade
13Mechanic (Motor Vehicle)ITI in Mechanic Motor Vehicle trade
14Mechanic DieselITI in Mechanic Diesel trade
15Refrigeration and Air Conditioning MechanicITI in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic trade
16SurveyorITI in Surveyor Trade
17WelderITI passed out in the trade of Welder (Gas & Electric)
18CivilDiploma (Relevant Engineering Discipline)
19Computer Science
Vacancy Details
Sl NoSector NameTotal
ANorthern Sector62
BMumbai Sector745
CWestern Sector1588
DEastern Sector769
ESouthern Sector653
FCentral Sector197
Grand Total4014

Selection Procedure

1. Selections for engagement of Apprentices would be based on the basis of marks obtained in the stated qualification and Merit drawn thereon.

2. In case of a similar number in merit, a person with higher age would be considered.

How to Apply

1. Candidates meeting the above prescribed eligibility criteria should visit our ONGC website and apply Online from 14.03.2019 till 28.03.2019 by 17:00 hours.

2. Paper based applications will NOT be accepted.

3. There are two steps for Registration process. Part-I & Part-II. In Part-I registration, candidate has to register with the Government portal as mentioned in H above. Candidates are advised to remember registration number for future reference/use.

4. In Part-II registration, candidate has to register in website, furnish details such as date of birth, registration No, Category, educational qualification, etc. and submit.

5. This is the final submission process and after that, candidate cannot change the details furnished. Candidates are therefore advised to furnish the details in the portal carefully and check the same before final submission.

Important Links
Apply Online Link for Part – IIClick Here
Apply Online for Technician Apprentice (Part-1)Click Here
Apply Online for Other Trade Apprentice (Part-1)Click Here
Apply Online for Sl No 1 & 2 (Part-1)Click Here
NotificationClick Here
Official WebsiteClick Here