Indian Railway / Pillows, sheets and blankets will be available in all trains by next month, this is the preparation of railways

By next month, blankets, sheets and pillows will be available in all trains. That is, passengers traveling in AC class will not need to carry blankets, pillows from their homes. Indian Railways has instructed all the zones to provide this facility to the passengers at the earliest. At present, this facility has been started in 529 pairs of trains and this facility is to be made available in total 1114 pairs of trains

New Delhi. By next month, blankets, sheets and pillows will be available in all trains. That is, passengers traveling in AC class will not need to carry blankets, pillows from their homes. Indian Railways has instructed all the zones to provide this facility to the passengers at the earliest. At present, this facility has been started in 529 pairs of trains and this facility is to be made available in total 1114 pairs of trains.

Indian Railways had stopped the facility of pillows, sheets, blankets from trains to prevent infection during Corona. Not only this, the curtains were also removed from the AC class, but now after the corona infection has subsided, the railways has started this facility again.

According to the Ministry of Railways, before Corona, in addition to premium trains, more than 1700 pairs of trains, including Mail, Express and Superfast trains, used to run. Out of these trains, the facility of pillow, sheet, blanket etc. is to be provided in 1114 pairs of trains. At present, this facility has been made operational in 529 pairs of trains and in the remaining 585 trains this facility will be made available next month.

Along with this, curtains are also being re-installed in AC class. Curtains are to be installed in total 1308 pairs of trains, out of which 1225 pairs have been installed and remaining 83 trains will also be covered soon.

There is a delay in getting sheets, pillows in all trains

According to the Ministry of Railways, about 7.5 lakh pillows, sheets, blankets etc. are needed daily. The life of the sheets is one year. Many sheets were damaged due to not being used for about two years. Apart from this, in the first wave of Corona, Kovid coaches were made in trains and a large number of masks were made. Sheets were used in them. After the government ordered to restore the facility on March 10, only 40 per cent of the sheets were in stock. Now the sheets are being bought again. For this, power has been given to DRMs, so that they can provide this facility by buying sheets etc. as per the need.